What does mostest mean?

What does mostest mean?

The definition of mostest is slang for having lots of good qualities. An example of the mostest is how you describe a great hostess.

What word is better than mostest?

Mostest Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for mostest?

maximal best
superlative supreme
top topmost
ultimate utmost
uttermost utter

What is another word for most used?

What is another word for most used?

most accustomed most acquainted
most practicedUS most inclined
most liable most prone
most addicted most hardened
most hooked most seasoned

What is powerful than love?

Cherish – I cherish my time with you. This is stronger than the word ‘love’ in that it shows just how much you value spending time with them. It’s very sweet to hear someone say this to you, and will make your loved ones feel really important and considered in your life choices and future.

How do you know if someone adores you?

He’ll want to hold you, hold your hand, cuddle, and gaze into your eyes. When a man adores you, he shows it with actual adoration. He’ll smile ear to ear and tell people how lucky he is to have you in his life. The attraction is at a crazy-high level, and he wants to touch you as much as possible.

What does it mean if someone adores you?

To adore someone signifies that you regard her with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; you honor, admire and worship her; you are devoted to her. The difference between love and adoration is the level of devotion and the estimation, admiration and respect you give her.

What’s a better word than adore?

Some common synonyms of adore are reverence, revere, venerate, and worship.