Common questions

What does MEP mean in anime?

What does MEP mean in anime?

Multi-Editor Project

What is an MEP on Youtube?

MEP is a fannish term on Youtube and other video sites and stands for a multi-editor project. MEPs can have several purposes in addition to simply producing a video.

What does MEP stand for Military?

MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Stations) are facilities of a Department of Defense joint-service organization staffed with military and civilian professionals. MEPS determines applicant’s physical qualifications, aptitude and moral standards as set by each branch of military service.

What does MEP stand for in school?

MEP in Education

7 MEP Migrant Education Program + 1 variant Special Education, Migrant, Student
1 MEP Maths Enhancement Programme Teaching, Science, Math
1 MEP Mean Effective Pressure Thermodynamics, Physics, Scientific
1 MEP Media Ecology Project Tool, Technology, Water
1 MEP Medical Education Program Medicine, School, Medical

What is MEP engineering?

mechanical, electrical, and plumbing

What does MEP stand for in finance?

Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) Definition.

What is the difference between a MEP and a pep?

PEP. The biggest difference between the base MEP and the addition of a PEP is a trade-off of increased buying potential at the cost of retirement plan options. In addition, unlike traditional MEPs, PEPs allow businesses to go outside of their industry, but restrict members to the use of a 401(k) plan.

What is a MEP engineer?

MEP Engineer is a single-level professional classification responsible for planning and design in the areas of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems including developing polices, standards, inspection procedures, and evaluation tools for MEP matters involving judicial branch facilities.

Can family watch you swear in?

Members of your family are welcome to watch you take the oath. A waiting room is available for them. Your family may take photographs of you with the military officer administering the oath.

Can your parents send you to military school?

Yes, they can and do. Military schools have kids who want a military career and hope that a military high school will be a good training ground for a service academy or military college. All the parents has dreams for their children and they want to do the best for them.

What prevents you from joining the military?

There are age, citizenship, physical, education, height/weight, criminal record, medical, and drug history standards that can exclude you from joining the military.

Can you join the military if you have a child?

Would you like to enlist in the military but your recruiter has told you that as a single parent you can not enlist if you have custody of a child? The military prohibits first-term enlistment of single parents who have custody of a child.

Can you be a single mom in the military?

Single parents are not allowed to enlist in the active-duty military. Except for the Reserve components of the military and Army National Guard, waiver approvals are rare, and most recruiters won’t even submit one.

Can a 17 year old go to basic training?

Here’s how it works: You enlist while you’re still a junior (you must be 17 years old to enlist and have permission from a parent or guardian), finish that year and attend Basic Combat Training during the summer between your junior and senior years.

What is the shortest height you can be in the military?

The cause for rejection for Armed Forces male applicants is height less than 60 inches or more than 80 inches. The cause for rejection for Armed Forces female applicants is height less than 58 inches or more than 80 inches. The Marines are more restrictive.

Can I join Army at 17?

You must be at least 17 years old (17-year old applicants require parental consent). You must (with very few exceptions) have a high school diploma. You must pass a physical medical exam.