Common questions

What does it mean to be oblivious?

What does it mean to be oblivious?

Oblivious usually has to do with not being conscious or aware of someone or something. When used with this meaning, it can be followed by either to or of: The cat had crept in silently, and we were oblivious to its presence in the room.

What does it mean when someone calls you oblivious?

oblivious Add to list Share. If you don’t notice or aren’t aware, it means that the adjective oblivious applies to you! When we think of the adjective oblivious, it is usually in situations that involve being totally unaware of what’s staring us right in the face. It can also mean being forgetful and absent-minded.

How do you use oblivious in a sentence?

Oblivious sentence example

  1. She’s oblivious to everything.
  2. Could she possibly be oblivious to how beautiful she is?
  3. The town of Ouray was so oblivious to these frequent winter gifts from Mother Nature that snow caused not a hitch in the local activities.
  4. Oblivious to her danger, Jessi’s eyes dropped to her phone.

How do you use oblivious?

1 She lay motionless where she was, oblivious to pain. 2 She was oblivious to our warnings. 3 He seemed oblivious to the fact that he had hurt her. 4 Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings….

What is mediocrity life?

A mediocre life is one in which you put forth a mediocre effort. Not all of us want to work hard at living, and that is a mediocre life, regardless of anything else….

Why you should not settle for less?

The feeling of regret is perhaps one of the worse feeling in the world. The pain of letting your dreams slip away right before you will never cease. Settling for less means you will always regret not aiming higher. You will always remember the things you wanted but regret the fact that you never chose to pursue on it….

How do you not live an average life?

Here are 4 indisputable steps to stop living an average life:

  1. Take Back Your Power. One of the worst things you can do to yourself on this planet is allowing your power to lie in someone else’s hand.
  2. Believe In Yourself.
  3. Make Your Map & Follow It.
  4. Crack Your Shell.

How do you live an average life?


  1. Watch TV. Spend countless hours watching television.
  2. Watch the News. News = fear. The more we let fear control us, the more average our life will be.
  3. Don’t read books. Books?
  4. Wait until the New Year to create goals.
  5. No discipline.
  6. Think you are special.
  7. Go on diets.
  8. Hate Mondays.

How do I stop being average at everything?

Being average is a choice….Here are the six ways to avoid being an Average Joe:

  1. Think differently.
  2. Act crazy.
  3. Be proud.
  4. Have hope even when there may seem no point.
  5. Build people up.
  6. Be you.

How can I be better than average?

There are so many more things that could be added to the list here to describe an ABOVE AVERAGE person….Here are some tips:

  1. Don’t follow the crowd.
  2. Don’t take short cuts.
  3. Don’t lie.
  4. Don’t let your mind go places it shouldn’t.
  5. See the best in people.
  6. Don’t judge.

How can I be okay with average looking?

No worries: 10 tips to help average-looking people get ahead in business – SmartCompany….

  1. Be more interesting.
  2. Buy decent shoes.
  3. Practice being charming.
  4. Get glasses.
  5. No car videos please.
  6. Learn some photography.
  7. Learn to be photographed.

Is it good to be average?

Being average is part of the human narrative. Chances are, you’ll most likely be average in many aspects of life, but you may be extraordinary in other aspects. It’s OK to not have it all. Mediocrity isn’t to be ashamed of….

Why average is bad?

But whenever an average is used to represent an uncertain quantity, it ends up distorting the results because it ignores the impact of the inevitable variations. Averages routinely gum up accounting, investments, sales, production planning, even weather forecasting.

How do you accept not being the best?

Here are four steps that will help you accept that brutal fact—before you get your tail stepped on by some clumsy-footed person behind you.

  1. Recognize That Things Are Always Changing. The world—and even your career—are constantly evolving and changing.
  2. Identify Your Personal Best.
  3. Think About Outcomes.
  4. Accept “Good Enough”

How do I be mediocre and be happy with myself?

In the novel Catch-22, the author Joseph Heller famously wrote: “Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them.” He’d taken a quote by Shakespeare on greatness and turned it on its head….

What is the fear of being average called?

You’ve got a case of FOBO: fear of being ordinary….

How do I know if I’m a perfectionist?

While high achievers take pride in their accomplishments and tend to be supportive of others, perfectionists tend to spot mistakes and imperfections. They hone in on imperfections and have trouble seeing anything else. They’re more judgmental and hard on themselves and on others when “failure” does occur.

Are perfectionists successful?

High self-oriented perfectionism is generally associated with the most “adaptive” traits correlated with greater productivity and success, including resourcefulness and assertiveness. They show higher rates of positive emotion, motivation….