What does it mean to be demure?

What does it mean to be demure?

1 : reserved, modest. 2 : affectedly modest, reserved, or serious : coy.

What does coy mean?

artfully or affectedly shy or reserved; slyly hesitant; coquettish. shy; modest. showing reluctance, especially when insincere or affected, to reveal one’s plans or opinions, make a commitment, or take a stand: The mayor was coy about his future political aspirations.

Why is kumquat an insult?

When we were kids we’d sometimes yell, “Kumquat!” as a name-calling insult. This changed forever in Wakayama, Japan, when a Japanese couple stretched out picked some kumquats off a tree and handed them to us foreigners—part of the Japanese character. As it turns out, these may be loquats.

Why is it called a kumquat?

The English name “kumquat” derives from the Cantonese kamkwat (Chinese: 金橘; pinyin: jīn jú; Jyutping: gam1 gwat1; lit. ‘golden mandarin orange’).

What does kumquat taste like?

Kumquats are tiny oblong shaped citrus fruits with a rather thick skin, considering how small the they are. They have a bit of sweetness to them, but the flavor is overwhelmingly sour. They are great when used for marmalade, lots of citrus dishes, and even liqueurs and cocktails.

Can you eat kumquat raw?

Kumquats are best eaten whole — unpeeled. Their sweet flavor actually comes from the peel, while their juice is tart. The only caveat is that if you’re allergic to the peel of common citrus fruits, you may need to pass up kumquats. If the tart juice turns you off, you can squeeze it out before eating the fruit.

Are kumquats good for you?

They’re high in vitamins C (about 8 mg each) and offer some vitamin A (about 3 mcg each). The skin is full of fiber and antioxidants (substances that can protect your cells). Kumquats are also cholesterol-free and low in fat and sodium.

What can you use kumquats for?

Ridiculously easy to make, candied kumquats are half condiment, half candy. You can use them on salads, pork, chicken, cheesecakes, or even with chocolate ice cream. Or you can do what I do, which is to sneak a couple out of the fridge and just eat them straight.

Are kumquats high in sugar?

Plus, Kumquats are great for you thanks to low sugar content and roughly 63 calories in each small kumquat. Additionally, this winter citrus fruit is loaded with fiber, which is essential for type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

Is Kumquat good for sore throat?

For the Salted Kumquat Tea Make tea from the kumquats mixture to help heal a sore throat. In a glass, add 2-3 salted kumquats, some of the salt mixture, hot water and honey until it is drinkable. Choke it down. Feel better.

Are you supposed to peel kumquats?

The size and shape of a large olive, the kumquat is like an orange in reverse, with a sweet skin and tart pulp. So you don’t have to peel the kumquat; you simply eat the entire fruit.

What is the difference between kumquats and loquats?

Loquats are in the Rosaceae family, the same as apples, pears, peaches and nectarines. Kumquats are a citrus fruit — think of them as the small, tart cousins to the more popular sweet orange. Both are relatively little orange-colored oval fruits whose merits are relatively unknown by most Americans.

Are kumquats safe for dogs?

Dogs can safely eat this citrus fruit due to its low-fat content. The kumquat’s fiber and vitamin C can boost the digestive and immune systems of your pet. Just like other fruits, do not overfeed your dogs with kumquats.

Are Kumquat seeds poisonous?

The seeds are not poisonous, but they have the same bitter taste as orange seeds. If you’re feeling dainty, slice the kumquat in half and pluck out the seeds. You can easily spit the seeds out as you eat instead, or even chew them up if you don’t mind the flavor.

What season do kumquats grow?

In season from November to March, kumquats are best when firm and bright orange in color; avoid those with a greenish tint as they are not yet fully ripe. Kumquats will keep at room temperature for up to three days, and they can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator.

Can I grow kumquats in the house?

They are also easy to grow since they need very little maintenance. These trees love full sun but can tolerate some shade and can be planted in a pot indoors and placed in front of a sunny window for them to get their much needed sunlight to grow healthy and bear fruits.