Common questions

What does Heer mean?

What does Heer mean?

Name Heer or (Heer) means Diamond; Generous & Understanding.

Is Heer a word?

No, heer is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the meaning of Heer in Urdu?

Heer name meaning is Power, riches. Heer is a Muslim girl name and it is an Urdu originated name with multiple meanings and the associated lucky number is 8. Get proper spelling and pronunciation of name Heer.

What Hare means?

It’s no surprise, then, that hare is used as a verb meaning “to move quickly.” The noun hare (which refers, in its most specific zoological sense, to a member of the genus Lepus, whose young are usually able to hop a few minutes after birth) is a very old word.

What is a male hare called?


What is another word for hare?

What is another word for hare?

coney jackrabbit
lagomorph leveret

What does Same here mean?

informal. —used to say that one thinks, feels, or wants the same thing as someone else “I’m tired.” “Same here.””I’ll have a coffee.” “Same here, please.”

What should I reply to same to you?

  • “Right back at ya “(Eg : Right back at ya..have a great day!!!)
  • “You stole my greetings” ( use this expression with a bright smile You can use this above expression when you wished to tell the same but the other person told it first )
  • “You too have the same time “

What do you reply when someone says nice to meet you?

Hello, the most common answer is “Nice to meet you too”. You can also say “Thank you. It’s very nice to meet you as well”, “Am glad to meet you too”.25

What is the slang word for yes?

ACK – aight – all righty – already – alrighty – and you know this, man – check – cool – damn skippy – damn straight – darn tootin’ – disco – forizzle – for real – for reals – fo sheezie – fosheezy – fo shizzle – fo shizzle my nizzle – fo’ sho’ – FR – full – go crazy – good call – good to go – hells to the yes – hells …

What does Smae mean in texting?

Sailor Moon Awards Engine

Is it rude to say what are you talking about?

Senior Member. “What are you talking about?” is not rude, but I would consider it to be informal and a bit abrupt. I would not use it to speak to an elder person or to my boss unless I felt very comfortable with them. “What do you mean?” is an excellent and brief alternative.6

Is it rude to respond with what?

It’s not rude. But ‘yes’ is probably a more gentle way of responding. I think it has more to do with context/formality in a case by case scenario. It is a casual, intimate situation, so no, responding with “what?” isn’t necessarily rude.

What does this mean obviously?

Something obviously true is clearly, totally, unmistakably true. There’s just no doubt about it. Obviously is a word people use when they are sure of something and sure that it’s plainly clear to others. People also use this word when they’re being mean or sarcastic.