What does GNR mean in texting?

What does GNR mean in texting?

Guns ‘N Roses

What does GNR mean in medical terms?

Gram negative rod (GNR) infections cause a significant amount of morbidity and mortality amongst hospitalized patients. Infections with this class of bacteria often arise from the genitourinary system, hepatobiliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs.

Is an acronym a mnemonic?

An acronym is a pronounceable word made out of the first letters of the name of an organization, institution, or whatever. A mnemonic device is a word, phrase, or sentence that is used to remember a number of separate objects, elements, ideas, etc.

What does PVP mean?

Player Versus Player

What does hit you up mean?

Call You Later

Why is it called hitting on someone?

These clear references to baseball (or, possibly, some similar sport) obviously create an idea that the “hitter” is at bat. Thus, to “hit on” a girl would imply that you are taking a swing, making an attempt, to “hit it off” with said girl. The thrust of the meaning goes back at least as far as Ancient Rome.

What does I’ll hit you mean?

From the least crass/sexual to the most crass, it is: (1) to hit on someone, (2) to pick up someone, and (3) to hook up with someone. (1) and (2) can be rather benign compared to (3), which has the definite meaning that you want to have sex sooner than later.

What does hit me mean in slang?

Hit me, my friend

What does him mean in texting?

The meaning of HIM abbreviation is “He Is Mine” What does HIM mean? HIM as abbreviation means “He Is Mine”

What does IMU mean?

I Miss You

What’s LMU stand for in text?

Link Me Up

What is IMU retail?

Initial markup (IMU) is the difference between the sales price of a product and its cost. Some retailers use a formula to determine the IMU for all their products, but it’s best to determine it by category.

What does IMU mean in retail?

Initial markup