Common questions

What does ETS Trans mean?

What does ETS Trans mean?

Take item when you move but turn item

How do I know what to turn into CIF?

If you look at your clothing record, on the top , far right hand side, there is a column labeled PCS TRANS. As you look down the list of items on your clothing record, you will see either the letter Y or N. Y means that you take it with you to your next duty station. N means that you turn it in to CIF.

Do you turn in uniforms when you ETS?

Nobody is required to turn in uniforms. They are your personal property once issued.

What does OH Qty mean on CIF record?

Quantity on Hand

Where can I find clothing records on New ako?

  1. Log-in AKO ( and Click “Self Service -> My Clothing” from top menu.
  2. Click “Individual Clothing Record”
  3. Click “Sign & Print” on bottom-right of screen.

What is ocie army?

In the US Army the term ocie refers to organizational clothing and individual equipment and refers to the supplies which each soldier is issued. Some common examples of ocie items include field gear such as your ruck sack as well as your clothing items.

Can you keep your military uniform?

Wearing a Uniform While Inactive, After Discharge, or After Retirement. Keep only one uniform when you are honorably discharged. All other uniforms and uniform parts remain the property of the armed forces. You may continue wearing your uniform for up to three months after your honorable discharge.

What is the thing on top of a beret called?

Apparently the origin of this “feeling” is due to the small stub in the top centre of the beret called the “stalk”. It just so happens that this stalk acts like a thought transmitter between beret wearers. The longer the stalk, the greater the range of the thought transfers!

What does a beret symbolize?

The style is often erroneously called a kufi, after the skullcap known as kufune. They consider the beret and dreadlocks to be symbols of the biblical covenant of God with his chosen people, the “black Israelites”.

Which side should a beret be worn?

(2) Wear. The beret is worn so that the headband (edge binding) is straight across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows. The flash is positioned over the left eye, and the excess material is draped over to the right ear, extending to at least the top of the ear, and no lower than the middle of the ear.