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What does begot mean in the Bible?

What does begot mean in the Bible?

(esp. of a male) to become the father of (offspring); procreate:In the Bible, Isaac begat Jacob. to cause; produce as an effect:Power begets power.

What is the meaning of begot?

transitive verb. 1 : to procreate as the father : sire He died without begetting an heir. 2 : to produce especially as an effect or outgrowth Violence only begets more violence. Other Words from beget Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about beget.

What does Vapidity mean?

the state or quality of being vapid; flatness; dullness; insipidity. 2. Word forms: plural vaˈpidities. a dull or uninteresting remark, idea, etc.

What is the meaning of piscatorial?

adjective. of or relating to fish, fishing, or fishermen. devoted to fishing.

What part of speech is curtail?

transitive verb

What does inhibit ation mean?

the process of stopping or retarding a chemical reaction. physiol the suppression of the function or action of an organ or part, as by stimulation of its nerve supply.

What does it mean for a woman to be inhibited?

Definition. Inhibited sexual desire (ISD) refers to a low level of sexual interest. A person with ISD will not start, or respond to their partner’s desire for, sexual activity.

Why does alcohol change your Behaviour?

Less is known about how alcohol itself affects these behaviors. A cognitive explanation, that alcohol impairs the information processing needed to inhibit response impulses–the abilities to foresee negative consequences of the response, to recall inhibiting standards, and so on–has begun to emerge.

How do I know I am an alcoholic?

Common Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

  1. Experiencing temporary blackouts or short-term memory loss.
  2. Exhibiting signs of irritability and extreme mood swings.
  3. Making excuses for drinking such as to relax, deal with stress or feel normal.
  4. Choosing drinking over other responsibilities and obligations.