Common questions

What does Atten Hut mean?

What does Atten Hut mean?

Come to attention

Why do soldiers say hut?

“Ten-hut!” is a truncated version of the ‘attention’ command enunciated in a very guttural manner so that it is easier say at high volume. This guttural style is common in US armed forces training instructors because they’d loose their voices very quickly otherwise.

What does attention mean in the military?

The position of attention is a staple of the Army. A sign of respect for a superior officer, the position involves keeping the body absolutely still with hands straight along the trouser seams, feet pointed out at 45 degree angles, and head and eyes forward.

What does at ease soldier mean?

In a relaxed position in military ranks. The phrase is often used as a command for troops standing at attention to relax, as in At ease, squadron. A British military dictionary of 1802 described it as standing with the right foot drawn back about six inches and one’s weight put on it.

What are the 4 rest positions?

There are four rest positions: parade rest, at ease, rest, and fall out.

What are the 5 rest positions?

At normal cadence, these positions would look as follows: Demonstrator, ATTENTION. Parade, REST. Stand At, EASE. AT EASE.

What position should you be at when speaking to a non commissioned officer?

When entering or exiting a vehicle, the junior ranking Warrior is the first to enter, and the senior in rank is the first to exit. When outdoors and approached by an NCO/Drill Sergeant, you greet the NCO/Drill Sergeant by saying “Good morning Sergeant/Drill Sergeant” for example.

Do you call at ease if an officer is present?

The first person to see an officer who is senior in rank to any present in the dining facility he/she will call “AT EASE” so that their presence is known and necessary action can be taken. The Soldiers should fall silent, remain seated, and continue to work or eat.

Do you call attention when an officer leaves the room?

When you are dismissed, or when the officer departs, come to attention and salute. When speaking to or being addressed by a noncommissioned officer of superior rank, stand at parade rest until ordered otherwise.

Do you salute NCOs?

The salute is a greeting that requires the junior member to acknowledge the senior member first. A salute is also rendered to the flag as a sign of respect. Any airman, noncommissioned officer (NCO) or officer may salute at any time. Enlisted members are not required to salute among themselves.

Do you salute a staff sergeant?

All military enlisted personnel in uniform are required to salute when they meet and recognize a commissioned or warrant officer, except when it is inappropriate or impractical (for example, if you’re carrying something using both hands).

Do West Point cadets outrank enlisted?

The Evidence: The NCO referred me to AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, which makes it pretty clear that West Point cadets do, in fact, outrank Army NCOs. This regulation shows that cadets rank after commissioned and warrant officers, but before NCOs. You’re right, Sergeant, a West Point cadet DOES outrank you.

Is it better to go officer or enlisted?

Pay Tables. Officers will start out at a higher pay grade than enlisted personnel, though enlisted service members are eligible for a variety of bonuses that can be quite substantial. Officers will also receive higher benefits such as monthly Basic Allowance for Housing.

Is space force a rank?

Space Force enlisted ranks largely mirror those of the Air Force. Like the Air Force, Enlisted Space Force ranks are broken down into three levels: Specialist (E-1 through E-4), Non-Commissioned Officers (E-5 and E-6), and Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (E-7 through E-9).

Is Admiral higher than general?

Admiral is one of the highest ranks in some navies, and in many navies is the highest rank. In the Commonwealth nations and the United States, a “full” admiral is equivalent to a “full” general in the army, and is above vice admiral and below admiral of the fleet, or fleet admiral.