What does a cage symbolism?

What does a cage symbolism?

The cage has symbolic meaning not only for the hunger artist’s relationship to others but also for the hunger artist himself. The cage represents the hunger artist’s body, in which he feels he is imprisoned. This achievement constitutes the hunger artist’s idea of artistic perfection.

How does Maya Angelou use symbolism in Caged bird?

Maya uses “fat worms” as a metaphor for opportunity and even though the “clipped wings, tied feet” and “bars of rage” disheartened the caged bird it never stopped singing, this symbolizes the African Americans fighting back for their freedom simply through their voice. …

What does the cage symbolize in the poem caged bird?

Answer: The cage represents the society and how the restrictions of the society affect the freedom. Explanation: In this poem we have a comparison between a free bird, that can do anything he wants, with a bird that is inside a cage and sees the other bird.

What is the metaphor in Caged bird?

The first metaphor is of the free bird that is for the white Americans or free people, while the caged bird is the metaphor of African Americans and their captivity in the social norms. Personification: Maya Angelou has used personification such as “sighing trees” as if trees are feeling sorrow.

What is the theme of the caged bird?

The main themes in “Caged Bird” are freedom and confinement, artistic expression as resistance, and civil rights. Freedom and confinement: As its title indicates, “Caged Bird” is concerned with both imprisonment and the innate urge for freedom.

What do the two birds symbolize in Caged Bird?

The birds in “Caged Bird” can be seen as symbolizing two different racial groups. The caged bird, which has been forced to live its entire life in captivity, can be seen as representing the African American community, who suffer from race-based oppression.

What figures of speech are used in caged bird?

Some of the dominant figures of speech in Maya Angelou’s Caged Bird include metaphor, personification, alliteration, and repetition. Sighing and shouting are human attributes.

What can the caged bird be a symbol of?

✦✧ANSWER✦✧ Angelou uses the metaphor of a bird struggling to escape its cage, described in Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem, as a prominent symbol throughout her series of autobiographies. Like elements within a prison narrative, the caged bird represents Angelou’s confinement resulting from racism and oppression.

What is the biggest position of the free bird?

Answer : Freedom is the biggest possession of a free bird that makes him able to experience all kinds of beauty of nature, to fly wherever he wishes, to eat whatever he wants and to live and stay wherever he desires.

What is a metaphor in Caged Bird?

Metaphors: There are two major metaphors. The first metaphor is of the free bird that is for the white Americans or free people, while the caged bird is the metaphor of African Americans and their captivity in the social norms. The caged bird is a symbol of imprisonment, while his song is a symbol of freedom.

What are the themes of caged bird?