Common questions

What does 123 mean on outgoing call?

What does 123 mean on outgoing call?

1,100. 123 is an indication that the call received or dialed went directly to voice mail.

What is a 123 phone number?

123 is an international standard by the standardization sector of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-T), entitled Notation for national and international telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and Web addresses.

What does GSM mean on a call log?

It just means that you made a regular call from your cellphone. GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communications, which is the most commonly (and widely) used protocol for mobile telecommunications.

How do I check my incoming calls on Metro PCS?

Track the Calls Once logged in, choose the phone line you want to track calls on. This is accomplished in the drop-down menu called “Metro PCS Phone Number.” At the top of the page is an “Account Usage & Activity” drop-down tab. Select “Call Details” to see a list of the accounts. Review the calls made and received.

What happens when you dial 123 on your phone?

Option 1 – Call from your Mobile or Landline. No App required. Add your international numbers that you want to call as a contact and we’ll give you back a local number. Dial the local number given to you directly from your mobile or landline.

When you see 123 What does it mean?

The angel number 123 meaning is saying that you are being challenged to step up and start a new project, with the assurance that your angels are your co-creators and it is guaranteed success. You have the promise of balance, ability, and faith to find your true course.

What is a GSM call type?

During a GSM call, speech is converted from analogue sound waves to digital data by the phone itself, and transmitted through the mobile phone network by digital means. (Though older parts of the fixed Public Switched Telephone Network may use analog transmission.)

What is the difference between GSM and GSVO?

GSM means Global System for Mobile. GSVO may be a robodialer that’s set to a callerID of “GSVO”.

Can I get my text message history from Metro PCS?

You can view all your call history and text message history online through the My Account feature at website. The Metro PCs service makes it easy for everyone to enjoy wireless services such as text messaging, calls, and web-surfing with affordable all-in plans.

Does it cost to ring 123?

123 – speaking clock Calls to this number cost: 50p from a BT landline – this is the cost of the whole call. 40p a minute from an EE pay as you go mobile.

Does the talking clock still work?

The Speaking Clock is still an emblem of accuracy to some people, which might explain why they’re still prepared to pay for it, says Rory McEvoy, a curator of horology at the Royal Observatory Greenwich. In 1936, when the speaking clock was introduced, people were reliant on mechanical clocks, says McEvoy.

What does seeing 123 mean spiritually?

Angel number 123 symbolizes help from the divine beings. They are ready to work with you and help you make your life as perfect as it can get. Changes you are going to make in your life are going to be hard but your guardian angels are going to be there for you through this whole process.

What does the number 123 mean in love?

Number 123 and Love Angel number 123 is a symbol of cleaning up the mess when it comes to love. This means both single and those in a relationship are going to make some significant changes in their love life. For those who are in a relationship, number 123 brings both good and bad news.