What do I do with shiny obsidian?

What do I do with shiny obsidian?

The main use of Shiny Obsidian is as a material for building robot petpets at Tangor’s Workshop, a shop in Moltara. Take a piece of Shiny Obsidian to Tangor’s Workshop along with Scrap Metal and Stone, Miscellaneous Gears and Red Moltite, all of which are other items introduced during the “Atlas of the Ancients” plot.

How do you get into the magma pool on Neopets?

Please select your Neopet to take a swim in the Magma Pool and be painted Magma. You only have until the guard wakes up again to dip your pet! That means if you linger too much, you’ll lose the chance to dip your pet and you’ll have to wait until the next day. Simply select the pet you’d like to dip and proceed.

At what temperature will humans die?

44 °C (111.2 °F) or more – Almost certainly death will occur; however, people have been known to survive up to 46.5 °C (115.7 °F). 43 °C (109.4 °F) – Normally death, or there may be serious brain damage, continuous convulsions and shock. Cardio-respiratory collapse will likely occur.

Is lightning a plasma or gas?

At that high temperature the lightning column is a plasma, a gas with many of its atoms broken into electrically-charged particles, both negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged ions.

What does it feel like to get hit by lightning?

“It felt like you’d actually been walloped by something, or you were inside a bass speaker.” As the bolt struck, there was a millisecond flash of intense, burning heat, that had already dissipated by the time his brain could even register it.

Which is hotter gas or plasma?

The hotter the gas, the faster its atoms and molecules move, and at very high temperatures, the collisions between such fast-moving atoms are violent enough to rip off electrons. Unlike cool gases (e.g. air at room temperature), plasmas conduct electricity and are strongly affected by magnetic fields.

Is plasma hotter than the sun?

The ITER plasma will be ten times hotter than the centre of the Sun. For a physicist, temperature is not only an indication of “cold” or “hot”; it also describes the energy of the particles that make up an object or a particular environment such as a plasma. …

Is plasma hot or cold?

“A plasma is sometimes referred to as being “hot” if it is nearly fully ionized, or “cold” if only a small fraction, (for instance 1%) of the gas molecules are ionized, but other definitions of the terms “hot plasma” and “cold plasma” are common.

Is the sun hot enough for fusion?

As explained earlier, the fusion process begins with two protons coming together and one up-quark turning into a down-quark to create a neutron. This is around 200 times hotter than the core of the Sun, so not hot enough for fusion!

How hot is fusion plasma?

150 million degrees Celsius

Why is nuclear fusion not used?

Normally, fusion is not possible because the strongly repulsive electrostatic forces between the positively charged nuclei prevent them from getting close enough together to collide and for fusion to occur.

How far off is fusion energy?

A viable nuclear fusion reactor — one that spits out more energy than it consumes — could be here as soon as 2025. But an enormous amount of energy is needed to force atoms to fuse together, which occurs at temperatures of at least 180 million degrees Fahrenheit (100 million degrees Celsius).

What is hotter than our sun?

The solar wind doesn’t slow down as it leaves the sun — it speeds up. Some particles shoot out of the corona with so much energy that they approach the speed of light. And perhaps most baffling of all, the corona is hundreds of times hotter than the sun’s surface.

How do you see the sun’s corona?

The Short Answer: The Sun’s corona is the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere. The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun’s surface. That makes it difficult to see without using special instruments. However, the corona can be viewed during a total solar eclipse.

Is the sun the hottest thing in the universe?

The Sun is obviously the hottest thing in our Solar System, but it is a mere thermos when compared to several other stars and stellar phenomena, particularly supernovas. On the opposite side of the spectrum, colder temperatures come with a lower limit.