Common questions

What bats are illegal in fastpitch softball?

What bats are illegal in fastpitch softball?

All Composite Bats Are Illegal Except in Open B, Open CC and Open C divisions. For safety reasons, the League limits the use of bats with composite exterior barrels to Open B, CC, Open C only. Titanium bats and all bats that appear on the ASA’s official list of banned bats are illegal in all divisions.

Can you use a fastpitch softball bat in slow-pitch?

It is possible to use a fastpitch bat for slowpitch softball, but it is not advisable. Fastpitch bats are designed to hit balls traveling in excessive speed. Consequently, fastpitch bats are designed for speed and quick reaction, while slow-pitch bats are designed for slugging the ball.

Why are composite bats illegal?

Various organizations are banning the use of what are known as composite bats. The reason is, and I’m paraphrasing, is that they feel like it would be safer for fielders, and truer to the spirit of the game, if the batter instead fired a . 357 Magnum in their direction.

What makes a slow pitch softball bat illegal?

Bats that are broken, altered or that deface the ball are illegal. Materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the bat specifications and/or enhance performance (e.g., shaving, rolling or artificially warming the bat barrel) are prohibited and render the bat illegal.

Which ghost bat is illegal softball?

Easton Ghost
The Easton Ghost is currently the benchmark for every fastpitch softball bat on the field of play. The original bat is not permitted and will never be permitted in USSSA events. The 2019 version of the Ghost Double Barrel is a USSSA/NSA certified bat.

Is rolling a softball bat illegal?

How do you tell if a softball bat has been rolled?

Other ways to tell if a bat has been rolled is the graphics peeling off the bat in odd places, normally where the end of the rollers meet the bat. Another way to tell if a bat has been rolled is by residue from bat roller material left behind on the bat. On some bats there are “roller marks” left on the bat.

Is the 2020 ghost bat illegal?

This Easton Ghost bat is NOT legal in USSSA but is legal in High School. It does not have the USSSA thumbprint but does have the ASA Certification.