Common questions

What are the rules of nanika?

What are the rules of nanika?

There are also extra rules for this Alluka/Nanika ability:

  • If someone fails to Alluka’s requests and gets killed, the difficulty level of Alluka’s requests returns to level 1.
  • If Alluka is making requests from a particular person, they cannot be moved over to another person mid-way.

What is the last rule for Alluka?

The Final Rule is that people who Something(Nanika) love can give her commands without any consequence on themselves or others. This ability is not borderline OP. It is totally OP. It would make sense that Illumi would do anything to access such power, using Killua as a means of indirectly controlling Nanika.

How does nanika power work?

Nanika can grant any wish someone asks (seemingly, healing at least has been shown to require physical contact, any other limits are currently unknown). Supposedly, Nanika wakes up and can grant one wish after Alluka is granted 3 requests from a single individual before going back to sleep and Alluka wakes up.

Can killua control nanika?

Killua can command Nanika and it falls outside of the regular rules. Killua’s command has no price. Killua can make consecutive wishes by commands. Killua can make command even when Alluka is in middle of her requests.

Does killua really die?

Killua does not die, He comes close to death in ep 100, at the end of the series Killua and Gon part ways so Killua can take care of Alluka, Every body who was supposed to die has died.

What episode is Gons rage?

Anger X And X Light

Will Gon ever use Nen again?

Though he’s living and breathing, Gon is now no longer able to use Nen and must either navigate a new path to become a Hunter or find some way to get his powers back.

Why did gon lose his Nen for 30 days?

Gon apparently lost his nen after his fight with Neferpitou. The reason why that happened, according to his friends, was that the emotional trauma he faced when the reality of Kite’s death sent him so over the edge, that he created a temporal contract with his Nen in exchange for the death of those who wronged him.

Why can’t gon use his Nen?

This theory says that Gon couldn’t use Nen because his body is unconsciously stopping him from experiencing the pain Gon went through beforehand. His Nen would not be fine because Alluka would “heal” Gon’s aura nodes which are needed open to be able to use Nen freely.

How does gon get his Nen back?

Not only was Gon healed by the ‘sister’ of Killua named Aluka which made him able to use nen again, also the manga is still going on and in there we’ve been told that Gon still has his abillities with nen, but he can’t use it because “he can’t see it”.

Why did Meruem rip off his arm?

Overview. Meruem proposes a wager in the next game. Komugi explains losing would be like death, so Meruem rips off his left arm as a sign of apology.

Is Gyro reborn a Meruem?

Gyro was not re-born as the Chimera Ant King, Meruem. Gyro was killed and eaten by the Queen, turned into a Chimera. But he re-gained every single one of his memories and fled to Meteor City to rebuild his Empire. It says so in the manga and on Gyro’s Wiki page.

How did kite turn into a girl?

So what I think happened, is that when Pitou killed him, his soul/spirit stayed in this world because of his nen ability, while his body stuck around to become Pitou’s toy. That spirit, then found a body to use, which was the tiny girl body inside the Queen ant.

Who is Meruem in love with?

He has rekindled his flame with Komugi and the two play Gungi together for hours, almost as if a war hadn’t just gone on outside their door. For the King, the real war was always within his own heart, but here we see him surrender to it completely. He is in love with Komugi and with her he is found.