What are the different types of American spirits?

What are the different types of American spirits?

American Spirit

  • Organic Full Bodied Taste (Turquoise)
  • Menthol Full Bodied Taste (Dark Green)
  • Rich Robust Taset – Perique (Black)
  • Full Bodied Taste – Original (Light Blue)
  • Mellow Taste (Yellow)
  • Balanced Taste (Celedon / Light Green)
  • 100% US Grown Full Bodied Taste (Dark Blue)

What is the best American spirit flavor?

Ranking American Spirits.

  • Turquoise: The Turquoise pack has been my daily go-to since I started.
  • Black: Black spirits are my usual driver right next to Turquoise.
  • Dark Green: The full flavour menthol are probably my favourite menthol cigarette behind Newports.
  • Brown: Honestly not much to say about these.

What is the strongest American spirit?

Perique (Black pack). The Perique tobacco is cured in oak whiskey barrels making it the most robust blend.

What is the weakest American Spirit cigarette?

Orange is the weakest you can get, followed by yellow. Orange is the weakest you can get, followed by yellow.

What is the cleanest cigarette?

But the brand with the most free-base nicotine? The “Natural American Spirit” cigarette, marketed here as “100% Chemical Additive-Free Tobacco.” American Spirit cigarettes contain 36 percent free-base nicotine, compared with 9.6 percent in a Marlboro, 2.7 percent in a Camel, and 6.2 percent in a Winston.

Is it harmful to smoke occasionally?

Light and intermittent smoking, or social smoking, is better for you than heavy smoking. But it still increases the risks of heart disease, lung cancer, cataract, and a host of other conditions.

How much damage can 1 cigarette do?

Since the average cigarette pack contains 20 cigarettes, the researchers expected that the risk of heart disease or stroke for a 1-cigarette-per-day smoker would be just 5 percent of that of a pack-a-day user.

Will one pack of cigarettes kill me?

Even people whose smoking doesn’t add up to much more than about one or two cigarettes a day die earlier than people who never smoked, a study finds. Even extremely light smoking — as little as one cigarette a day — can greatly increase someone’s risk of dying early, government researchers reported Monday.