What are some 6 letter words?

What are some 6 letter words?

6-letter words

  • abroad.
  • accept.
  • access.
  • across.
  • acting.
  • action.
  • active.
  • actual.

What is a 6 letter color?

Colors – 6 letters

Results Instant Lookup
Maroon W O D
Murrey W O D
Orange W O D
Purple W O D

What is a food with 6 letters?

Fruits & Vegetables – 6 letters

Results Instant Lookup
Potato W O D
Quince W O D
Radish W O D
Raisin W O D

What are countries with six letters?

  • Ah, let’s do this in my typical overdone fashion.
  • So we have Canada, Mexico, Panama, Guyana, Brazil, Belize, Serbia, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Russia, Cyprus, Israel, Kuwait, France, Latvia, Bosnia, Brunei, Bhutan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Angola, Zambia, Gambia, Guinea, Malawi, Rwanda, Monaco, Kosovo, and Taiwan.

What is a country with 7 letters?

Apart from the six countries highlighted above, other countries that have seven letters in their names include Andorra, Austria, Bahamas, Burundi, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Granada, Hungary, Iceland, Morocco, Ireland, Moldova, Lesotho, Namibia, and Nigeria.

What are the 10 countries with 4 letters?

In alphabetical order, the four letter countries are…

  • Chad.
  • Cuba.
  • Fiji.
  • Iran.
  • Iraq.
  • Laos.
  • Mali.
  • Niue.

What countries have 4 letters in their name?

Other countries that have a four letter name are: Chad, Fiji, Iran, Laos, Mali, Niue, Oman, and Togo. Asia has the majority (four) of these nations, while Africa has three. Two states are located in the South Pacific Ocean, while South America and the Northern Caribbean each have one state.

What country has the fewest letters?

Papua New Guinea

What language has the largest alphabet?


Which country has the most letters?

What is the Longest Country Name in the World?

Rank Country Name Character Count
1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 56
2 Independent and Sovereign Republic of Kiribati 46
3 Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe 45
4 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41

What language has the least speakers?

Dumi language

What is a rare language?

In other words, a “rare language” according to NRPSI is any language that doesn’t have a nationally recognised exam. But this is just a definition that was useful for this particular institution.

Is Japanese a hard language to learn?

Japanese is ranked by the U.S. Foreign Services Institute as the most difficult language for native English speakers to learn. The institute uses the time it takes to learn a language to determine its difficulty 23-24 weeks for the easiest and 88 weeks for the hardest.

Is Japanese a beautiful language?

With its impressively large expressive potential, complex levels of politeness and captivating simple-yet-beautiful sounds, Japanese pleases the ears and mind. Japanese is also considered to be one of the most useful languages for singing because all of the Japanese syllables are open.

Is French or Spanish more romantic?

The six most widely spoken Romance languages by number of native speakers are Spanish (489 million), Portuguese (250 million), French (77 million), Italian (67 million), Romanian (24 million), and Catalan (4.1 million).

What are some 6 letter words?

What are some 6 letter words?

6-letter words

  • abroad.
  • accept.
  • access.
  • across.
  • acting.
  • action.
  • active.
  • actual.

What is a 6 letter word that starts with L?

6-letter words starting with L

laager laaris
lacets laches
lacier lacily
lacing lacked
lacker lackey

What is the most common 6 letter word?

Which Word is More Common?…Can you pick the ten 6-letter words that are the most frequent words found in Google books?

% Correct
DURING 55.9%
NUMBER 46.3%
SYSTEM 28.8%
STATES 23.7%

How many 6 letter words are there in English?

There are 87151 6-letter words in the English language, according to 6-letter words .

What is a word with 5 letters?

5-letter words

  • about.
  • above.
  • abuse.
  • actor.
  • acute.
  • admit.
  • adopt.
  • adult.

What is the longest L Word?

SQUIRRELLED Though the more commonly accepted American English version carries only one L, both Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries recognize this alternate spelling and condone its one syllable pronunciation (think “world”), making it the longest non-coined monosyllabic English word at 11 letters.

What are 5 letter words that start with P?

5-letter words starting with P

paals Paarl
padle padma
padre padri
Padua paean
paedo Paeks

What is a 6 letter word that starts with S?

6-letter words starting with S

Saadhs Saamis
Saddar sadded
sadden sadder
saddhu saddle
saddos Sadean

What are the 7 letter words?

7-letter words

  • ability.
  • absence.
  • academy.
  • account.
  • accused.
  • achieve.
  • acquire.
  • address.

What is a 5 letter word riddle?

A 5 letter word which is normally below you is: CHAIR. If you remove 1st letter, it is above you: HAIR. And if you remove 1st and 2nd letters, you can not see it: AIR. It’s CHAIR.

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

What is the L cuss word?

starting with the letter l. lameass – loser. lardass – overweight individual. lesbian – homosexual. lesbo – homosexual.

What is a 6 letter word starting with P?

6-letter words starting with P

pabble pablum
Pachon pacier
pacify pacing
packed packer
packet packly

What is a 7 letter word starting with P?

7-letter words starting with P

Paaliaq Paamese
padawan padders
paddies padding
paddled paddler
paddles paddock

What is a 7 letter word starting with S?

7-letter words starting with S

Saadian Saanens
sacella sachems
sachets sackage
sackbut sackers
sackful sacking

What are 5 letter words that start with S?

5-letter words starting with S

Saadh Saads
SABIC sabin
sabir sabji
sable sabot
sabra sabre

What is the best 7 letter word?

Top 7-letter Word Scores

  • MEZQUIT (27)
  • BEZIQUE (27)
  • CAZIQUE (27)
  • JUKEBOX (27)
  • ZOMBIFY (26)
  • ZINKIFY (26)
  • KOLHOZY (26)
  • SOVKHOZ (26)

What are some 6 letter words?

What are some 6 letter words?

6-letter words

  • abroad.
  • accept.
  • access.
  • across.
  • acting.
  • action.
  • active.
  • actual.

How many words can be made 6 letters?

So the first five letters can be a combination of 6×5×4×3×2 letters or 720 arrangements. The final letter can now be only 1 letter because all of the others have been used. So the six letters can be a combination of 6×5×4×3×2×1 letters or 720 arrangements.

How many 6 letter words are there in the English language?

As an inquisitive word finder, you might be curious to learn just how many 6 letter words are there. The best estimates indicate that standard English has somewhere between 22,000 and 24,000 six-letter words.

What’s a 7 letter word that starts with S?

7-letter words starting with S

Saadian Saanens
sacella sachems
sachets sackage
sackbut sackers
sackful sacking

What are 6 letter words that start with S?

6-letter words starting with S

Saadhs Saamis
sabers Sabian
Sabias sabine
sabino sabins
Sabios sabirs

What are five letter words that start with S?

5-letter words starting with S

Saadh Saads
SABIC sabin
sabir sabji
sable sabot
sabra sabre

What are the words start with S?

  • sacrifice (noun)
  • sacrifice (verb)
  • sad (adjective)
  • sadness.
  • safe (adjective)
  • safety (noun)
  • sail (noun)
  • sail (verb)

What is a good word that starts with S?

List of Positive Words That Start With S

Secured Support Supreme
Sufficient Smart Sincere
Steady Smile Sociable
Sufficient Smart Sumptuous
Success Succeed Successful

What are 4 letter words that start with S?

4-letter words starting with S

Saab saad
saft saga
sage sago
sags sagy

What starts with S and ends with a?

Words starting with S and ending with A

  • Sclerenchymata 2). Superphenomena.
  • Schizophrenia 2). Syringomyelia 3). Spermatogonia 4).
  • Sarsaparilla 2). Synaesthesia 3). Stichomythia 4).
  • Spanokopita 2). Selaginella 3).
  • Satyagraha 2). Synaloepha 3).
  • Sclerotia 2). Solfatara 3).
  • Stella 2). Salina 3).
  • Sunna 2). Summa 3).

What is a 3 letter word starting with S?

3-letter words starting with S

SAA sab
sac sad
sae sag
sai saj
sal sam

What is a 4 letter word starting with L?

4 letter words that start with L

  • labs.
  • lace.
  • lack.
  • lacs.
  • lacy.
  • lade.
  • lads.
  • lady.

What is a nice word for L?

List of Positive Words That Start With L

Luck Lucky Lust
Lucid Learn Learning
Love Lovely Loving
Life Lively Luxury
Luxurious Laugh Legit

What is the L cuss word?

List of Curse Words Beginning With L. lameass – loser. lardass – overweight individual. lesbian – homosexual. lesbo – homosexual.

Is Frick a bad word?

So no, it is not “a swear.” It is a similar-sounding word substituted for a vulgar term, when using the actual vulgar term would be inappropriate.

What are the worst bad words?

26 English Swear Words That You Thought Were Harmless

  • F*ck. The word f-u-c-k is one of the most widely recognized swear words in the English language.
  • F*ck you. Adding the word ‘you’ means you’re directing the offense onto someone else.
  • Shit.
  • Piss off.
  • Dick head.
  • Asshole.
  • Son of a b*tch.
  • Bastard.

Is Badass a swear?

The word “Badass” is usually used in a postive curse word form. It means somebody who is ‘cool’ ‘fun’ or has extremely favorable qualities. You could replace this word by describing what is cool or fun about this person. ~All of these words are English-American slang language.

How do you spot a badass?

Eight traits that make you a badass

  1. They say yes first, then figure out how to deliver.
  2. They think differently than everyone else.
  3. They speak up.
  4. They have a replicable skill that others can learn.
  5. They live by their own code.
  6. They have the audacity to do things that others only wish they could do.
  7. They never, ever, ever give up.
  8. They don’t listen to the haters.

Is Badass a formal word?

Badass is slang, so it’s going to depend on where you are and who you are talking to. It’s simply cultural. For example if you said to my grandfather that he was a badass, he would be quite upset because in he doesn’t use ‘bad’ words to describe good things.

What is a badass personality?

“A Badass”: is a strong, confident, bold woman who knows her own mind. She is also sexy, funny, and does what she wants when she wants it.

What does badass mean in slang?

Noun. badass (plural badasses) (US, sometimes considered vulgar, slang, negative connotation) A belligerent or mean person; a person with an unpleasantly extreme appearance, attitudes, or behavior. Don’t mess with that guy, he’s a real badass.

What do you call a successful woman?

superwoman. noun. a woman who is very successful in her job, is involved in many activities, and also usually looks after a home and family.

How many combinations of 6 letters are there?

720 arrangements

There are more than 20,000 six-letter words in the Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, Volume 6.

6-letter words starting with S

Saadhs Saamis
sabkha sabled
sables Sabols
Sabora sabots
sabras sabred

What is a 3 letter word that starts with S?

How many words have the letter S in them?

164777 words

What word has the most repeated letters?

5 Answers. Yellowwooddoor – a door made out of yellowwood (acknowledged as a real Scrabble word). It even has an extra double letter (ll) though it’s not consecutive.

What is a animal that starts with S?


What word has the most A’s?


What is the longest word in world?

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What is a 5 letter word that starts with I?

5-letter words starting with I

IAMAT iambi
idiom idiot
Idism Idist
idjit idled
idler idles

What is a word that starts with AA?

8-letter words that start with aa

  • aardvark.
  • aardwolf.
  • aasvogel.
  • aapamoor.
  • aabenraa.
  • aalesund.
  • aalenian.
  • aalsmeer.

Is AA a word in Words With Friends?

AA is a valid scrabble word.

What words have double A?

List of Words Containing ‘aa’

  • aahs. aals. baal. baas. haaf. haar. kaas. maar.
  • aahed. aalii. aargh. baaed. baals. craal. graal.
  • aahing. aaliis. aarrgh. baaing. baalim. baases. bazaar.
  • aarrghh. baalism. bazaars. craaled. kraaled. laagers. markkaa.
  • aardvark. aardwolf. aasvogel. baalisms. baaskaap. craaling. kamaaina.
  • aardvarks. aasvogels. baaskaaps. balmacaan. kamaainas. laagering. quaaludes.

What are words that start with an A?

  • aardvark.
  • aardwolf.
  • aasvogel.
  • abacuses.
  • abalones.
  • abampere.
  • abandons.
  • abapical.

What are 5 letter words that start with A?

5-letter words starting with A

aahed AAION
aalii Aalst
aapas Aarau
aargh Aaron

What attitude starts with letter A?

Starting with AP

  • apathetic.
  • appalled.
  • appalling.
  • apparitional.
  • appealing.
  • appreciative.
  • apprehensive.
  • approachable.

What is a positive word starting with A?

List of Positive Words That Start With A

Adorable Amazing Awesome
Amorousness Ambition Ambitious
Alive Ardent Avail
Award Attain Abundance
Abundant Astral Ascension

What are some positive A words?

50 Commonly Used Positive Words

Word Part of Speech Synonyms
adorable adjective charming, sweet, delightful
adore verb admire, cherish, esteem
adroit adjective able, adept, artful, skilled
adventurous adjective audacious, brave, courageous

What does Zazzy mean?

zazzy (comparative zazzier, superlative zazziest) (slang) shiny or flashy quotations ▼

What does Zaddy mean for a boy?

Urban Dictionary defines a Zaddy as “a really handsome guy who is very appealing and looks really fashionable. He has to have swag and sex appeal and look sexy and attractive.”

What does it mean when a girl is sassy?

The definition of sassy is someone or something that is lively, bold and a little feisty. An example of sassy is a quick witted, clever girl.

What’s a fancy word for life?

What is another word for life?

existence survival
being consciousness
sentience continuance
essence aliveness
animateness animation