What are reggies?

What are reggies?

Reggies also known as regs for short are, simply put, another way to refer to low-quality cannabis. With some guidance, you can use your senses to tell whether or not someone is selling regs for the price of quality buds.

What does Loud mean in drug slang?

Calling weed “loud” is a slang term used to describe marijuana that is strong and also has a strong odor. It has nothing to do with sound. This type of weed is described by those who frequently use marijuana as being higher quality, and it creates a faster and stronger effect than regular weed.

Do orange hairs get you high?

The hairs contain little to no phytocannabinoids, that’s what the trichomes are for. There is a small amount in the actual tissue of the plant but 80% of the phytocannabinoids are in the trichomes. You won’t get high if you smoke hairs, but there are probably plenty of crystals just stuck to the hairs to do the job.

What strain has a lot of orange hairs?

Orange Kush

What do orange hairs on Bud mean?

You will notice that these orange hairs (pistils/stigmas) come out of a ‘tear’-shaped piece of weed that is probably loaded with trichomes/resin/crystals. That is called a calyx. When pollen comes into contact with the orange hairs, the plant will be pollinated and there will be seeds growing out of those calyxes.

What are the red hairs on Bud?

The red hairs you see on cannabis are called stigmas and are part of the pistil. Although it is not always the case, high-quality buds tend to have pistils with a lot of hairs. When your weed matures, the color of the pistils’ hair changes.

Should all hairs be orange before harvest?

Growers generally want at least 85% of their hairs orange or brown before they harvest. This isn’t as precise as the trich color, but when combined with the trich color and my next sign, it leads to making your harvest decision even easier. But remember, all strains are different.

Do clear trichomes get you high?

Well-Known Member. That might be, but the high is not dependent on just thc. There is more than 60 cannabinoids and thc is just one. That is why if you actually harvest at all clear, it will be early and the high will suck.

Should I cut fan leaves before harvest?

Believe it or not, trimming should begin several days before harvest, when the larger fan leaves are removed. Growers often trim away such fan leaves in the weeks leading up to a harvest as this is when senescence begins, a phase in the plant cycle when larger fan leaves begin to wither away with age.

What Week Do buds swell the most?

Week 7

What Week Do buds grow the most?

Week 6-8

What Week Do buds stop growing?

For most cannabis strains, the flowering period will last about 7-9 weeks, although some sativas require even longer for their buds to mature.

Why arent my buds getting bigger?

Not enough light is the most common reason buds don’t develop as dense as they could. On the flip side, too-bright light (or buds being too close to grow lights) can also cause buds to develop poorly and/or produce airy fox-tails. Start with the right strain to grow buds the way you want.

Do bigger pots mean bigger buds?

bigger pot does not neccessarily mean bigger buds. but if given the proper environement and time it will mean a bigger plant. but a bud size in my experience is not determined by plant size (with in reason) .

Are big fan leaves a good sign?

Giant fan leaves are a sign your girls are in an environment they like- possibly just a little to high on the rh, causing them to grow larger in order to transpire more efficiently.

How do you get big buds indoors?

Grow More Big Buds Indoors

  1. Turn Up The Lights.
  2. Change Nutrients for Each Stage.
  3. Train Your Plants.
  4. Bone Up On Your Feeding.
  5. Control Temperature and Humidity.
  6. Pump Up CO2.
  7. Be Patient.

Can you flower in 3 gallon pots?

You’ll be fine with 3 gallons if you are, but it floating be too small for a regular photo plant. Growing A photo plant. It’s doing fine in 5 gal but trying to guess what I’m going to do in my next grow in a 4×4 tent.

How many plants can I grow in a 4×4?

Unless you don’t have a strain that can’t be grown as ScrOG, you can expect to grow 1.5lb to 2lb dry. In the ScrOG method, you can grow 2 plants in a 4×4 space. But if you try SOG, you can house 15-20 plants.

Does longer veg time increase yield?

As a general estimate, adding two weeks of vegetative growth time, will double your yield. This levels off a bit (when we get over a pound), indoors due to height limitations). After two weeks of rooting time, plus two weeks of vegetative growth time (total one month), we have a little plant with nice growth.