Common questions

What are aliquots?

What are aliquots?

1 : contained an exact number of times in something else —used of a divisor or part 5 is an aliquot part of 15. an aliquot portion of a solution. 2 : fractional an aliquot part of invested capital.

What is an aliquot of a sample?

Aliquot of a sample, in chemistry or the other sciences, an exact portion of a sample or total amount of a liquid (e.g. exactly 25mL of water taken from 250 ml) Aliquot in pharmaceutics, a method of measuring ingredients below the sensitivity of a scale by proportional dilution with inactive known ingredients.

What is an aliquot in biology?

A representative sample of a fixed proportion. Thus 50 µl from a 25 ml solution represents 1/500 of the total.

Is aliquot a word?

Aliquot means a part of a chemical or medicine, or a number that evenly divides another number. An example of an aliquot is a portion of DayQuil.

What is the purpose of Aliquoting?

Besides functioning as a technique used to separate a larger sample into smaller parts, aliquoting plays a very important role in the temperature sensitivity of substances. For example, in chemistry, some substances can rapidly decompose (or deteriorate) when exposed repeatedly to variable temperature environments.

How do you spell Aliquot?

Aliquot, al′i-kwot, adj. such a part of a number as will divide it without a remainder.

What is an aliquot of blood?

Aliquot means to separate a portion of the serum or plasma and place in a separate tube. 2.

What is the diluent?

A diluent (also referred to as a filler, dilutant or thinner) is a diluting agent. Certain fluids are too viscous to be pumped easily or too dense to flow from one particular point to the other. This decreases the viscosity of the fluids, thereby also decreasing the pumping/transportation costs.

Is Eloquate a word?

Eloquate / *verb / to convey meaning powerfully with complete clarity and perfect grammar and punctuation. (He wanted to eloquate his thoughts on the subject of etymology.)

How can a person be eloquent?

Here are nine easily mastered techniques to quickly make yourself more eloquent and smarter sounding.

  1. Stand or sit with spine straight but relaxed.
  2. Keep your chin up.
  3. Focus on your listeners.
  4. Speak loudly enough to be heard.
  5. Buttress words with appropriate gestures.
  6. Strategically position your body.

What’s the difference between benevolent and malevolent?

Malevolent comes from the Latin word malevolens, which means “ill-disposed, spiteful”; its opposite is benevolent, which means “wishing good things for others.” A malevolent person might display satisfaction at someone else’s problems.

What does malevolent force mean?

adj. 1 wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; malicious. 2 (Astrology) having an evil influence. (C16: from Latin malevolens, from male ill + volens, present participle of velle to wish)

What is the meaning of benevolence?

1 : disposition to do good a king known for his benevolence. 2a : an act of kindness. b : a generous gift. 3 : a compulsory contribution or tax levied by certain English kings with no other authority than the claim of prerogative (see prerogative sense 1b)

What does benevolence mean in Christianity?

desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness: to be filled with benevolence toward one’s fellow creatures.

Who is a benevolent person?

adj. 1 intending or showing goodwill; kindly; friendly. a benevolent smile, a benevolent old man. 2 doing good or giving aid to others, rather than making profit; charitable.

What does a benevolent person do?

Benevolence is an act of kindness or an inclination to be kind. It’s the quality of someone who volunteers in a soup kitchen, tutors children for free, and helps old ladies cross the street. Helping your grandmother with her groceries is an act of benevolence — as long as she doesn’t pay you a dollar per bag.

What is an example of benevolence?

The definition of benevolence is a kind act or gift or the doing of kind things for others. An example of benevolence is a gift of money affording someone the opportunity to go to college. An example of someone who had feelings of benevolence was Mother Theresa. noun.

How do you use benevolence in a sentence?

Benevolence sentence example

  1. He had a benevolence of manner suited to the philanthropy of his mind.
  2. Gentleness, equanimity and benevolence were native to him.
  3. The chief features of Alembert’s character were benevolence , simplicity and independence.

What is the synonym for benevolence?

In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for benevolence, like: kindliness, charity, animosity, generosity, selfishness, grace, kindness, attitude, magnanimity, virtue and affection.

What do you call someone who is outspoken?

adjective. characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion. “it is possible to be outspoken without being rude” synonyms: blunt, candid, forthright, frank, free-spoken, plainspoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder direct.

Are benevolent and kind hearted the same?

Benevolent adjective – Having or marked by sympathy and consideration for others. Kind-hearted is a synonym for benevolent in kind topic. In some cases you can use “Kind-hearted” instead an adjective “Benevolent”, when it comes to topics like humane.

What are two synonyms for benevolent?

SYNONYMS FOR benevolent 2 good, kind, humane, generous, liberal, benign, philanthropic, altruistic.