Common questions

Is voluptuous a compliment?

Is voluptuous a compliment?

Voluptuous is generally a compliment. Particularly given to “well-endowed” (T&A) women.

What is the opposite of voluptuous?

voluptuous. Antonyms: unsensual, abstinent, self-denying, ascetic, sober. Synonyms: sensual, luxurious, self-indulgent, licentious, highly pleasant.

What’s the meaning of bodacious?

1 Southern US and Midland US : outright, unmistakable. 2 : remarkable, noteworthy a bodacious bargain. 3 : sexy, voluptuous bodacious babes.

What does scrawny mean?

exceptionally thin and slight

What is junoesque?

: marked by stately beauty.

Who was Juno the god of?

Juno, despite a close association with the Greek Hera, was, in her own right, an important god. She was the protector of women, the wife (and sister) of the all-powerful Jupiter. She was the mother of the war god Mars.

What were Junos powers?

Areas of Influence: Juno was the Goddess of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. She was the Queen of the Gods and part of the Capitoline triad that also included Minerva and Jupiter. This Deity was an embodiment of the traditional female roles of wife and mother.

What does Juvenescent mean?

: the state of being youthful or of growing young.

Which of the following is an antonym for the word callow?

ANTONYMS FOR callow 1 mature, adult, experienced.

Why did Juno hate Hercules?

Juno hate Hercules because he is a product of Jupiters affairs also he is very powerful and she is unable to rid himself of him.

What Is Vesta the god of?

Vesta, in Roman religion, goddess of the hearth, identified with the Greek Hestia.

Is there a male god of love?

In Greek mythology, Eros (UK: /ˈɪərɒs, ˈɛrɒs/, US: /ˈɛrɒs, ˈɛroʊs/; Ancient Greek: Ἔρως, “Desire”) is the Greek god of love and sex. His Roman counterpart was Cupid (“desire”)….

Abode Mount Olympus
Symbol Bow and arrows
Personal information
Parents Ares and Aphrodite, or Chaos as primordial god.

Who is the god of passion?

Eros, Greek God of Passion and Lust.

Why was psyche unhappy?

Psyche saw that men would gaze upon her, praise her, worship her, pay her honor, compliment her beauty, and yet none of them would fall in love with her. So despite being adored, Psyche was miserable because she was not loved. And she came to despise her beauty, which had turned her into an object.

Who is Psyche’s husband?


Why should Cupid hide his looks?

So to shield his identity and his true self from Psyche, he only appears in the dark so that she doesn’t see the true majesty that he is and so that the message would not get back to Venus who is his mother that he in fact betrayed her trust and orders by not killing Psyche.

How did psyche lose her husband?

By what fault did Psyche lose her husband? Psyche’s sisters, jealous of her palace, conspire to ruin her marriage. That night, she lights a lamp and sees that her husband is the unbelievably beautiful Cupid. Psyche’s hands tremble, spilling hot oil from the lamp and burning the god, revealing her deception.