Common questions

Is there a fuse for oxygen sensor?

Is there a fuse for oxygen sensor?

There are no fuses for the O2 sensors. They are controlled by the PCM. Bypassing an oxygen sensor–also called an O2 sensor–can only be done using a dummy O2 sensor.

Can you trick an o2 sensor?

You can “trick” the computer by putting in an 02 simulator which basicly just sends the computer an “all ok” voltage so that the computer thinks the converter is still there.

What is a good short term fuel trim?

So what should fuel trim values be? Assuming that the engine is in excellent mechanical condition, and that all sensors implicated in metering both intake air and fuel, short-term fuel trim values should generally be between positive 10%, and negative 10% when the engine is running at a steady speed.

What is short term fuel trim and long-term?

The short-term fuel trim (STFT) refers to immediate changes in fuel occurring several times per second. The long-term fuel trims (LTFT) are driven by the short-term fuel trims. LTFT refers to changes in STFT but averaged over a longer period of time.

What is fuel trim bank1?

Error Code P0170 is described as Fuel Trim Malfunction Bank 1. This means the PCM (powertrain control module, also known as ECM or engine control module) has detected a fuel trim outside the specified range set by the vehicle’s manufacturer. This can be a negative or a positive fuel trim.

What is the meaning of fuel trim?

Fuel trims are what engine control system use to compensate for all problems relating to air-fuel ratios (known as λ or lambda,) and combustion. The Electronic Control Module (ECM) or Powertrain Control Module (PCM) uses a few sensors to determine how much air is flowing into the engine.

What causes fuel trim system lean?

Combustion engines run most efficiently when they maintain an air-fuel mixture ratio of 14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel. The lean condition can be caused by a vacuum leak, which introduces more air into the air-fuel mixture, or by a weak fuel system, which does not input enough fuel into the air-fuel mixture.

How do I know if my bike is running lean or rich?

Typical symptoms of a rich mixture are:

  1. Poor fuel economy.
  2. Sluggish acceleration.
  3. Choke not needed from cold starts.
  4. Sooty or black spark plugs.
  5. Sooty or black muffler end pipes.
  6. Strong smell of gasoline when the machine is at idle.
  7. Uneven running (will often slow from regular idle rpms and then stop)

Can bad spark plugs cause lean condition?

No. Lean condition is more air than fuel. Usually a vacuum leak somewhere. Bad spark plugs usually results in a rich condition since the fuel is not being burned fully.

What should my AFR be at WOT?

Personally, I recommend 12.7:1 for N.A. AFR.

How do you fix a rich running engine?

Car Running Rich: How To Fix

  1. Check The Air Duct’s Flap. The flap inside the air duct is an actuator that serves as choke.
  2. Vacuum Lines And Hoses. Loosely connected or leaked vacuum lines and hoses can cause a vehicle to run rich.
  3. Clean The Mass Airflow Sensor.
  4. The Oxygen Sensor.
  5. Change the spark plugs.

Can running rich cause white smoke?

Running that rich can/will cause the oil film. On the cylinder walls, getting washed off leading to scuffing. I could see the white smoke, smell the gas.

What happens if engine gets too much air?

Getting air into the system is only part of the solution. You have to flow the air through the system or it won’t help your engine make power. If you only add more air and not enough fuel to go along with it you can damage your engine by creating a lean condition and eventually damage your pistons.