Is the Rohirrim charge realistic?
Is the Rohirrim charge realistic?
It was very realistic. A prepared army of men with pikes can resist a cavalry charge, but these were orcs armed only with spears and scimitars.
How many Rohirrim died at Minas Tirith?
The army of Rohirrim that came to Gondor’s aid numbered 6,000 men, and of them a full 2,000 were killed. Of the 5-6,000 Gondorian defenders of Minas Tirith, and the relief force led by Aragorn (which may have been as large as 5,000 or as small as 1,000), no definite casualty figures exist.
Why did the Rohirrim charge the elephants?
Charging the Mûmakil head-on prevents them from reaching the main gate of Minas Tirith and keeps the Rohirrim (slightly) organized. Your best hope is to improvise, adapt and overcome this threat. Horses are fast.
Who would win Rohan vs Gondor?
Assuming LotR-era Rohan vs LotR-era Gondor, Gondor should win at least 8/10. If each side is at their peak, Gondor stomps easily 10/10. True gondor definitely has the advantage with sieges. But i think rohan would crush gondor in open field.
Why was Gondor so weak?
The Third Age After the Great Plague and the Kin-strife, which left Gondor very weakened, many Númenóreans of pure blood had perished during those troublesome times.
Is Rohan stronger than Gondor?
To put it in modern terms, the relationship of Gondor and Rohan is stronger than NATO because the ties are more than just mutual defense; and weaker than the British Commonwealth because the king of Gondor is not the titular head of the Commonwealth countries.
Why did Rohan help Gondor?
Rohan owes Gondor aid in time of need because they swore long ago to always give it, an oath that was answered not with a similar oath from Gondor to Rohan, but with a gift of land.
Why is Rohan called the mark?
Dagnir-en-Ancalagon. Yep, like snaga says, “Mark” is short for “Riddermark”. Both these words are just names for the land of Rohan. Their people are the Rohirrim, the Horse-lords.
Why is Rohan so important?
Militarily: Rohan housed a significant military force, and thanks to its exceptionally fine horses, had the greatest cavalry units in Middle-Earth. Economically: Rohan was literally the only other country anywhere near Gondor.
Where is Rohan in real life?
Rangitata Valley, South Island. In the South Island’s Rangitata Valley area, you’ll find the dramatic scenery of Rohan, as seen in The Two Towers, on the real-life grassy outcropping called Mt. Sunday.
What language do they speak in Rohan?
Tolkien rendered the language of the Riders of Rohan, Rohirric, as the Mercian dialect of Old English. Even words and phrases that were printed in modern English showed a strong Old English influence.
What culture is Rohan based on?
Several aspects of Rohan’s culture and history seem to be inspired by both Goths, Scandinavians and the medieval Anglo-Saxons. Just like the Germanic Ostrogoths, Rohirric culture was a mounted culture. It had separated from the Northmen, moved south, and had settled in close proximity with a civilization.
How many soldiers Rohan have?
Army of Rohan. 000. This was the easiest because UT states plainly that the full muster of Rohan was 100 eoreds each not less than 120 riders.
How big was Sauron’s army?
What if Minas Tirith fell?
Anyway, the main point is that once Minas Tirith fell, Sauron would have little concern for the rest of the conquest, now that Gondor had essentially fallen. He would have paid more attention to the mithril coat and his own land of Mordor. He would have found Frodo and he would have killed him and taken the Ring.
What happens if Sauron wins?
Regaining the Ring would increase Sauron’s power, in many different ways. The most noticeable is what you mentioned, it would allow him to see and control the thoughts of the wearers of the Rings – specifically, the Three, since the other Rings are destroyed or in his possession already.
How many Orcs attacked Helms Deep?
10,000 Orcs
Is Minas Tirith possible?
Yes, Minas Tirith is plausible (although somewhat stupidly built) city. In the extras to the DVD it’s supposed to have been based on the (very real, and very beautiful) Mont Saint Michel.
How much would it cost to build Minas Tirith?
The architects ran the numbers and realized they would need approximately £1.85 billion (about $2.82 billion USD) to fully fund the project. Any leftover money would be used for the upkeep and maintenance of the new city of Minas Tirith and was projected to last until 2053.
Why is Minas Tirith so close to Mordor?
Now, Osgiliath was originally the capital of Gondor. It was later destroyed and the capital moved to Minas Anor, renamed Minas Tirith. In fact, quite a bit of Mordor became Gondorian land. That’s one reason why it was so close: they wanted to keep an eye on their enemy, the Dark Lord Sauron.
Is Minas ithil in Mordor?
Also Minas Ithil was on the border of Mordor which later was corrupted and turned into Minas Morgul by the Whitch-king. Gondor was ruled by Anarion and Isildur just before the War of the Last Alliance During the 2nd Age.
Who is the king of Minas Tirith?
King Elessar
How far is Mordor from Minas Tirith?
The distances here are a bit different from the official map, but they are more or less in the same order of magnitude: the official, less detailed, map gives about 60 miles, while the unofficial, but more detailed one, shows about 45 miles.