Common questions

Is Preston a synth?

Is Preston a synth?

Indeed. It’s satire. Shoot him in the face, no synth parts, besides there already is a random event where you find a synth Preston.

How do you make Preston Garvey happy?

After you complete the quest head back to the Sanctuary. As soon as Preston will arrive there talk to him again. He will ask you to lend a hand to Sturges and help few settlements. Once you’ve done that, Preston will be impressed by your deeds and will be happy to join you.

Are Minutemen quests endless?

Yes. They will never end. You can reduce their occurrence but they will continue. There are mods which can make them end though and some mods give a guaranteed victory if you decide you don’t want to attend the defense.

Is there an end to Prestons quests?

No, it’s the Radiant Quest system from Skyrim. Neverending. Kill all settlers in other settlements and disable radio tower, problem solved. You will keep getting quests for Sanctuary, but you can just ignore it after it says failed.

Can you romance Preston as a guy?

Your available romance options are: Piper (human female) Cait (human female) Preston (human male)

Are Prestons quests infinite?

Never. Each faction has it’s own set of repeating quests like Preston’s. There are quests that activate because you walked into the wrong area or too close to someone and overheard something.

What happens if you kill the overseer in Vault 88?

Killing Overseer Barstow will not reward the Sole Survivor with the legendary vault suit. When the player character kills Overseer Barstow, they become the new vault overseer, thus acquiring the Oversight trophy. Killing her while she leaves the vault at the end of the experiments will make all of the settlers hostile.

What’s a radiant quest?

The Radiant quest system is a quest generator that creates quests from a series of components such as location, enemy type, and reward. The randomized components are generated every time that the quest is triggered. Radiant quests are used throughout the game in various faction questlines and in miscellaneous quests.

Can you beat Fallout 4 without joining a faction?

No. This step requires you to side with a major faction, but your allegiance can still be changed. There is no other way to end the faction war. You could continue playing the game as long as you like without doing this, but you would never “finish” it.

How do I destroy brotherhood with Minutemen?

Build artillery defenses after speaking with Preston. Build an artillery piece and later assign a settler to man it in five different settlements the Sole Survivor owns. Once that is done, visit the Minutemen radio operator in the Castle and ask him to give the strike order. Prepare for the attack and defeat the enemy.

How old is Preston Garvey?


Is Mama Murphy supposed to die?

Honestly, you don’t need the help in your play through, and if you continue to feed her addiction, Mama Murphy will actually die when you give her the Psycho. If you’re willing to go down that road, however, just know that you must wait eight hours to give her more chems.

Can I get Preston to like me again?

It is not possible to get him to like you once again. He will not attack you, but he will simply ignore and hate you. If you really want him back, you will have to reload a previous save before you took over a settlement with raiders.

Can you get Preston back after Nuka world?

IF YOU WANT TO BE A RAIDER but still want Preston’s perk, the best thing to do is do Nuka-World, get the first quest from Shank, and simply not do it until you get Preston’s perk. Preston will not hate you until you actually plant the flag. You can also just blow off going to Nuka-World until you get his perk.

Can you still do Minutemen quests after Nuka world?

Side with the raiders and Porter will follow you but Preston will refuse to even talk to you until you kill the raider leaders. If you attack the leaders Porter attacks you. Now, you want to still have minutemen quests what you need to do is go to Nuka World, take Porter with you.