Is PCl5 an acid?

Is PCl5 an acid?

PCl5 has empty d orbital in valence shell so that it can accept a pair of electrons (from a Lewis base). It is neither a base nor a acid .

Is BCl3 an acid or base?

As seen on the diagram, the BCl3 molecule accepts a lone pair of electrons from an ammonia molecule. In this reaction, ammonia donates electrons and is, therefore, a Lewis base whereas BCl3 accepts electrons and acts as a Lewis acid.

Why is Cu2+ a Lewis acid?

Cu2+ (aq) reacts with ammonia to form the complex ion [Cu(NH)3)4]2+. Ammonia acts as the Lewis base in this reaction by donating its lone pair of electrons, whilst Cu2+ (which is an electron deficient, electrophile) accepts the lone pair of electrons from the ammonia, making it a Lewis acid.

Which halide is most acidic?

Boron atom in BCl3, has six electrons in the outermost orbit and thus it can accept a pair of electrons form a donor molecule to complete its octet. The effective overlap between orbital’s decreases due to large size of p orbital of halides. Hence BCl3 is most acidic than other options.

Which of the following halide is most stable?

Stability of carbon tetrahalides decreases with increase in the size of halogen atom. So, CF4 is the most stable halide among the given options.

Which of the following hydroxide is acidic?


Which of the following oxides is strongly basic?


Which is not the use of Orthoboric acid?

Borax when heated gives B2O3 and NaBO2 which is glass like structure or mass and is used for borax bead test. Borax bead test is performed only for salts which are colored. Therefore, the correct answer is option (D). Note: Boric Acid is not tribasic acid.

Which of the following hydroxide is insoluble in water?

Be(OH)2 is insoluble in water while hydroxide of other alkaline earth metals are soluble.

Why are metal hydroxides insoluble?

The solubility of the hydroxides of the metals lower in the alkaline earth metal group can be explained by the shielding effect, which effectively says that the ability of a positive nucleus to attract electrons decreases as the amount of orbitals surrounding the nucleus decrease.

Why is BaSO4 insoluble in water?

The ionic compounds BaSO4​ is insoluble in water due to high lattice energy and low hydration energy. Lower the lattice energy and higher the hydration energy more is the solubility.

Which compound is insoluble in water BaSO4?

Barium sulfate

Why MgSO4 is more soluble than BaSO4?

The more it is the more soluble a compound is. Having more hydration energy MgSO4 is more soluble than BaSO4. MgSO4 is soluble in water but BaSO4 is not becuase the size of Ba and SO4 ions is very large which leads to higher lattice enthalpy than that of hydration enthalpy. Therefore, BaSO4 is insoluble in water.

What are the side effects of barium sulfate?

Barium sulfate may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:

  • stomach cramps.
  • diarrhea.
  • nausea.
  • vomiting.
  • constipation.
  • weakness.
  • pale skin.
  • sweating.

Is BaSO4 acidic salt?

BaSO4 is known as barium sulfate. This is a salt. A salt can be formed from the acids and bases reaction. If we monitor the BaSO4 development reaction, we can see that Ba^2 + comes from the base, and that SO4^2- comes from the acid.

What kind of electrolyte is HF?

Classifying Electrolytes

Strong Electrolytes strong acids HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, HClO3, HClO4, and H2SO4
strong bases NaOH, KOH, LiOH, Ba(OH)2, and Ca(OH)2
salts NaCl, KBr, MgCl2, and many, many more
Weak Electrolytes
weak acids HF, HC2H3O2 (acetic acid), H2CO3 (carbonic acid), H3PO4 (phosphoric acid), and many more