Common questions

Is MgI ionic or covalent?

Is MgI ionic or covalent?

Magnesium iodide is the name for the chemical compounds with the formulas MgI2 and its various hydrates MgI2(H2O)x. These salts are typical ionic halides, being highly soluble in water.

What is MGL2?

MGL2, also known as CD301b, is a transmembrane protein expressed in dermal dendritic cells (DDCs). Th2 cells play an important role in cell-mediated immunity against extracellular parasites, bacteria, allergens, and toxins by producing cytokines and regulating B cell class-switching.

What is the formula for magnesium and iodine?


Is MgI2 an electrolyte?

Electrolytes are substances that conduct electricity when in an aqueous solution. These include the ionic compounds and the strong acids and bases. MgI₂ is an ionic compound between the Mg²⁺ and I⁻ ions. Thus, you would expect this to be an electrolyte.

What kind of bond is magnesium iodide?

Each magnesium atom reacts with 2 iodine atoms. The oppositely ions attract and form a giant ionic lattice.

Does MgI2 dissociate in water?

Explanation: Magnesium iodide is a soluble ionic compound that dissociates completely when dissolved in water to produce magnesium cations and iodide anions in aqueous solution.

What happens when MgBr2 is dissolved in water?

5.  if you dissolve the salt magnesium bromide (MgBr2) in water, the magnesium atoms and the bromine atoms dissociate from each other as positively-charged magnesium ions (Mg2+) and negatively charged bromide ions (Br1-). Magnesium Bromide is generally immediately available in most volumes.

What is the name of AgClO4?

Silver perchlorate

Is CU oh2 soluble?

Readily soluble in aqueous ammonia; insoluble in organic solvents. Readily dissolves in mineral acids and ammonia forming salt solutions or copper ammine complexes. The hydroxide is somewhat amphoteric dissolving in excess sodium hydroxide solution to form trihydrocuprate and tetrahydroxycuprate.

Why BeSO4 is soluble in water?

High hydration enthalpy of BeSO4 overpowers its lattice enthalpy thus is water soluble.

Why baso4 is insoluble in water whereas BeSO4 is soluble?

Hydration energy and solubility are directly proportional while being inversely proportional to lattice energy. BeSO₄ has a high hydration energy while BaSO₄ has a high lattice energy meaning that BeSO₄ is more soluble in water.