Is meticulous a verb?

Is meticulous a verb?

adjective. taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough: a meticulous craftsman;meticulous personal appearance. finicky; fussy: meticulous adherence to technicalities.

Is meticulously an adverb?

meticulously adverb – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What is the noun form of meticulous?

(rare) Meticulousness; the state or quality of being meticulous.

Can you use detail as a verb?

verb (used with object) to mention one by one; specify; list: He detailed the events leading up to the robbery. Military. to appoint or assign for some particular duty: We were detailed to patrol the border. to provide with intricate, finely wrought decoration: lingerie detailed with lace and embroidery.

Is detail a noun or verb?

verb. detailed; detailing; details. Definition of detail (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to report minutely and distinctly : to report with close attention to small elements : specify detailed their grievances wrote a letter detailing her vacation.

What is an example of detail?

A detail is defined as an individual fact or feature, or is a small or minor part of something, or a small group of people assigned to a specific task. When you look at a large painting and notice the tiny little hands of one of the people in the painting, this is an example of noticing the detail of the painting.

How do you explain detail oriented?

What does being detail-oriented mean? A detail-oriented person focuses on the smaller aspects of projects and tasks. They avoid distractions and maintain a certain level of productivity throughout their workday. They can also work independently with little supervision, which is useful for most jobs.

What is another word for detail oriented?


Are you a big picture or detail oriented person?

The big picture people tend to be creative, strategic, and visionary… but they can also be messy, disorganized, and forgetful. On the other hand, the details people are conscientious, planful, and exacting… but can lack perspective or fail to prioritize.

Can you be both big picture and detail oriented?

You can be both, and it’s not complicated. You might have to set up a system, maybe reminders to remind yourself to include one or the other in your daily thinking, but they are not mutually exclusive.

Who is a detail oriented person?

A detail-oriented person exercises extreme attention to detail. They’re thorough, accurate, organized, and productive. They seek to understand both the cause and effect of a situation.

How can I see the big picture in life?

29 Ways To Remind Yourself To Keep Sight Of Life’s Bigger Picture

  1. Have An Opinion.
  2. Stop Moaning About What You Don’t Have.
  3. Be Grateful For What You Do Have.
  4. The Only Thing Standing In The Way Of Everything You Want In Life Is Yourself.
  5. Get Over Yourself.
  6. Don’t Listen To Those Who Say You Can’t, They Are Just Afraid You Might Actually Get It.
  7. Pronounce Your T’s.
  8. Party.

What do you call someone who sees the big picture?

Strategist or strategic planner is the word to describe the person with the eye on the big picture.

What is another way to say big picture?

What is another word for bigger picture?

big picture broad view
entire perspective most important facts
whole picture

How do you describe a big picture?

The Big Picture Meaning Definition: The complete, overarching story or idea. This phrase usually implies that one should think of the future, or think of other parallel factors, and not focus on the small details.

How do I get employees to see the big picture?

6 Ways to Get Your Employees to See the Big Picture

  1. “Postcards”
  2. Gamification.
  3. Bring-a-Friend Staff Meetings.
  4. Field Trips.
  5. Mentoring Circles.
  6. Teaching Operations Reviews.
  7. Be a Translator.
  8. Provide Clarity Around Where You Need Great Ideas.

How do you succeed as a big picture thinker?

5 Steps to Find Career Happiness as a Big Picture Thinker

  1. Define what being a big picture thinker means to you.
  2. Take more risks than you are comfortable with.
  3. Get really, really good at something.
  4. Be a leader.

What does it mean to be a big picture thinker?

Definition of Big Picture Thinking? Big picture thinking is the ability to come up with ideas, solutions and opportunities. Big thinkers see possibilities and jump on opportunities. They are willing to take risks because they see the chance to make big gains.

What is a methodical thinker?

(1) Cumulative or methodical thinker – the person who is inclined to consciously process “new” ideas or challenges through a thought process. (2) Comprehensive thinker – the person who is prone to allow his automatic reactions – based on memories of past experiences – to determine his thoughts in the moments.

Why is seeing the bigger picture important?

While focusing on details is important, it is imperative to take a step back and see the bigger picture from time-to-time. Looking at the bigger picture helps you understand where it is that you’re heading and gives you a clearer vision of your goals.

What is the big picture in business?

Big picture thinking is the way a person looks at problems, opportunities and situations. A big picture person often likes to brainstorm and come up with many ideas. They are idea generators, often thinking of huge changes, large projects and substantial opportunities to create new business.

How do you write big pictures?

Every story is supposed to have a single, predominant theme, and every detail is supposed to work toward that theme. It isn’t that writers can’t insert smaller themes within the larger one, but they have to be conscientious about the main impulse.