Common questions

Is Mahjong played clockwise or counterclockwise?

Is Mahjong played clockwise or counterclockwise?

During the course of play, players always take turns counterclockwise (even during the deal) – and tiles are always removed clockwise from the wall (even during the deal). Keep on going like that until every player has taken 6 stacks (12 tiles).

What are the basic rules of mahjong?

General Rules of Mahjong. The objective of the game is to collect tiles to form a Mahjong hand. Players take turns picking one tile from the wall and discarding one tile. When a player picks up a tile that gives a valid Mahjong hand, the player wins.

What is the difference between American and Western Mahjong?

In the United States, American mahjong (also known as Western mahjong) is popular. This variation uses 152 tiles, but often 166 are included in a set due to the addition of some blank tiles and spares. Korean mahjong sets only have 104 tiles for a fast-paced game involving three players.

Is Mahjong difficult to learn?

Mahjong is a tile-based game that’s been played in Asia for over 300 years and is gaining global popularity. Although the game is hard to master, it’s fairly easy to learn the basics.

Why is it called mahjong?

It is said that the clacking of tiles during shuffling resembles the chattering of sparrows. It has also been suggested that the name came from an evolution of an earlier card game called Madiao which mahjong tiles were adapted from. Most Mandarin-speaking Chinese now call the game 麻將 (májiàng).

What is the correct spelling of mahjong?

Correct spelling for the English word “mahjong” is [mˈɑːd͡ʒɒŋ], [mˈɑːd‍ʒɒŋ], [m_ˈɑː_dʒ_ɒ_ŋ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is Mahjong Solitaire good for the brain?

It is said that mahjong is a great game for keeping the mind sharp. It is highly recommended among the elderly as a means of keeping their brains in good health. I should clarify that this is the 4 player game (sometimes also played with 3 players) and not the solitaire version.

What is the difference between American and Chinese mah jongg?

Traditional Chinese mahjong sets have 144 tiles, while American version is played with eight additional joker tiles and score cards that are published annually by non-profit organizations like National Mahjongg League. The league serves as the arbitrator for everything that relates to the American Mahjongg.

Is American mahjong hard to learn?

And, although Mah Jongg is a difficult game to learn and master, avid players say, you can excel in the game. “It is not the easiest game, but you can learn it,” Link added. “You don’t learn it in one sitting. It’s something you learn and build on what you learn.”

Can two players play mahjong?

Mahjong, the classic Chinese tile game, dates back to the Tai Ping Rebellion of 1851-1864 and was popularized in the West in 1920 with the publication of the book “Rules for Mah-Jongg.” Although normally played with four players, Mahjong can be played by two people with only a slight variation to the rules.

Can you play Chinese mahjong with American Mahjong Set?

American mahjong utilizes racks, jokers, “Hands and Rules” score cards and has several distinct gameplay mechanics. Although an American mahjong set can be used to play Chinese Mahjong, the rules that follow are for the American game. Mahjong is always played with four players seated around a table.

Why is mahjong so expensive?

Why are American mahjong sets the most expensive? American mahjong sets have 166 tiles (Chinese sets only have 144) and include a set of racks to hold the tiles. More tiles, the addition of racks, and a larger box makes the entire set more expensive.

Can you play Mahjong by yourself?

Mahjong solitaire can be played either solo or with a partner, in which case the aim is to accumulate the most pairs, to be the last one to match a pair, or to score the most points.

Can Mahjong be played with 3 players?

5-15 min. Three-player mahjong is a variation of mahjong for three players rather than the more common four player variations. It is not a mere adaption of four player mahjong to suit only three players but has its own rules and idiosyncrasies that place it apart from the more standard variations.

Do you need 4 players for mahjong?

Mahjong can be adapted for two, three or even five players. A two-player game is easy to set up, and follows the same rules as the four-player game. Self-drawn wins and discarded wins count the same, and since there are so many draws for each player, the first to “ready” will usually win.

What is Kita mahjong?

By use of kita 「キタ」, possession of the north tile may be put to the side of the hand, like an open call; and it would be counted as dora. Plus, the player is also awarded an extra draw from the dead wall for that north tile. If the player wins off of the dead wall draw from calling kita, they are awarded rinshan.

Can you play mahjong with 6 players?

Mahjong/richii mahjong is a strictly 4 players or less game (there is 3 players variant). The only possible way is to have 2 tables of 3 player mahjong. There is no way to have 6 players at the same table. Well you can have the 2 extra watch and rotate after one has lost Too many rounds and decides to quit.

How are mahjong points calculated?

Here is some basic scoring:

  1. 4 Pungs in a hand – 6 points.
  2. 4 Chows in a hand – 2 points.
  3. 1 Dragon Pung or Kong – 2 points.
  4. A pair of Dragon Pung – 6 points.
  5. Pung/Kong of Winds that matches the round or seat – 2 points.
  6. Flowers/Seasons tile – 1 point each.
  7. Win by self-drawn – 1 point.

How can 3 people play mahjong in Singapore?

That means in three-player mahjong a player cannot complete a run of three tiles by claiming a tile from the person to his left. Allocate the seats by placing the East, South and West wind tiles face down, shuffling them and having each player choose one tile. The player who drew East selects a seat and sits down.

Where can I play mahjong online?

Best Sites to Play Mahjong Games Online for Free

  • The free online version of Mahjong provided by is arguably the best way how to get started with this intriguing Chinese game.
  • 247 Mahjong.
  • Mahjong Online.
  • Free Online Mahjong Games.

How do you play Mahjong for the money?

When playing for money, who pays depends on the ending of the game. If the winner draws the winning tile himself from the wall, then everyone must pay the winner. If the winner takes the winning tile from within the walls, the player who discarded it pays the winner.

Is Mahjong allowed in Singapore?

Mahjong with Family and Friends This is seen in the landmark case of Chua Seong Soi v Public Prosecutor [2000] SGHC 195, where our (then) Chief Justice ruled that a game of mahjong between friends is not illegal gambling, but seen as a form of recreation.

Is mahjong considered gambling?

Mahjong is considered a popular form of gambling in the Chinese culture, especially among older Chinese populations.

Is Mahjong illegal gambling?

Only card games and mahjong would be allowed — a table for each at a wake. The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) earlier prohibited all kinds of illegal gambling, such as card games and cockfights during wakes and fiestas.

Is it gambling if no money is involved?

If you play gambling without cash then it is not gambling. Most probably, the player bet with property, money, even with the chance of their play. If you get any value for your win then the game would be interesting and classy. Casino games with no money is not in progress.