Is likeable a word?

Is likeable a word?

adjective. (especially of a person) pleasant, friendly, and easy to like. ‘Often times I have noted that it is very popular and likeable people that die young. ‘

How do you spell loveable correctly?

Loveable is a variant spelling of the same adjective. It means the same thing and can be used in all the same contexts. It has been used throughout history with varying degrees of regularity, but today, it has taken a backseat to lovable as the standard spelling in both American and British English.

What makes a woman lovable to a man?

There is nothing more romantic than letting the man she is with know that she is totally present with him. She is passionate about herself, her beliefs, what’s important to her in the world. She is passionate when sharing her ideas, her hobby, her job, her art, her family, or anything it is that she is into.

How important you are in my life quotes?

You are the most important person in my life, very special to my heart. I will always cherish and love you forever. Darling, you have a special place in my heart; I have loved you even before I met you and I will never stop loving you.

What is the synonym of lovable?

SYNONYMS. adorable, dear, sweet, cute, charming, darling, lovely, likeable, attractive, delightful, captivating, enchanting, engaging, bewitching, pleasing, appealing, winsome, winning, fetching, taking, endearing, cherished. affectionate, warm-hearted, cuddly.

What’s another word for respectful?

other words for respectful

  • appreciative.
  • civil.
  • deferential.
  • humble.
  • polite.
  • reverent.
  • reverential.
  • self-effacing.

What do you call a person who cares about what others think of them?

Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. This word comes from the Old French altruistic and means “other people” and before that the Latin alter, which means “other.” Our current word comes from the nineteenth century and comes from philosophy.

What’s a word for not caring?

adjective. without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.

What do you call a person that cares too much?

With a more positive connotation, someone who cares a lot about everything (potentially taken to extreme) could be referred to as meticulous, conscientious, sensitive, scrupulous or altruistic.

What’s another word for treated badly?

What is another word for treat badly?

abuse maltreat
injure hurt
molest batter
ill-treat be violent toward
manhandle ill-use

What is the feeling of being treated unfairly?

Aggrieved would also work. adjective uk ​ /əˈɡriːvd/ us ​ /əˈɡriːvd/ ​ unhappy and angry because of unfair treatment: He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team. One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn’t received the book he had ordered several weeks ago.

How do you say something is unfair?


  1. unfair. adjective. not fair or reasonable.
  2. unjust. adjective. an unjust decision, judgment, or action is not fair or reasonable, or is not done according to accepted legal or moral standards.
  3. unequal. adjective.
  4. unreasonable. adjective.
  5. one-sided. adjective.
  6. arbitrary. adjective.
  7. biased. adjective.
  8. wrongful. adjective.

What’s another word for unjust?

SYNONYMS FOR unjust 1 inequitable, partial, unfair, prejudiced, biased; undeserved, unmerited, unjustifiable.

What type of word is unfair?

adjective. not fair; not conforming to approved standards, as of justice, honesty, or ethics: an unfair law; an unfair wage policy. disproportionate; undue; beyond what is proper or fitting: an unfair share.

What’s the opposite of Unfair?

What is the opposite of unfair?

justified fair
just impartial
equitable unbiased
right ethical
balanced honest

How do you say unfair in professional?


  1. biased.
  2. discriminatory.
  3. dishonest.
  4. illegal.
  5. partisan.
  6. unlawful.
  7. unreasonable.
  8. unwarranted.

What is the opposite meaning of inattentively?

Antonyms: captive, attentive, observant, solicitous, intent, advertent, absorbed, engrossed, wrapped, enwrapped, heedful, oversolicitous, diligent. Synonyms: neglectful.

Which word in para 1 conveys the opposite of sober?

agitated, inebriated, immoderate, excited, drunk, irrational, excitable.