Common questions

Is kakuna a Pokemon sword?

Is kakuna a Pokemon sword?

Kakuna – Generation 8 learnset Below are all the moves that Kakuna can learn in Generation 8, which consists of: Pokémon Sword.

Is beautifly a good Pokemon?

Beautifly has a decent special movepool. Pretty much all of her attacks are resisted by Steel-types, but otherwise she has impressive variety: Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball and Psychic. This is what she’s got. Let her enjoy it.

What is Dustox based on?


What Pokemon evolves into Cascoon?


What animal is Spinda?

Spinda is a bipedal, red panda Pokémon with rabbit-like features. Its eyes are made of two black spirals, which point in the opposite direction to each other.

What does Galarian Zigzagoon look like?

Galarian Zigzagoon goes from a pure Normal-type to a dual Dark and Normal-type. It retains its Pickup and Gluttony abilities. Zigzagoon’s brown stripes are now black, with the tan parts turning white. An interesting aspect of Galarian Zigzagoon is that it may have come before the Hoenn Zigzagoon.

What Pokemon is Obstagoon?

Obstagoon (Japanese: タチフサグマ Tachifusaguma) is a dual-type Dark/Normal Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. It evolves from Galarian Linoone when leveled up at night starting at level 35. It is the final form of Galarian Zigzagoon.

What can breed with Obstagoon?

Alternatively, if you already have a Obstagoon with the egg move it can breed with Ditto.

Is Wobbuffet useless?

Wobbuffet is said to be an useless pokemon,but I think it is exciting to use a wobbuffet in battles. Sometimes it can defeat a strong pokemon. And in multi-battle, I let it go first with a pokemon having perish song.

Can Shuckle evolve?

Shuckle (Japanese: ツボツボ Tsubotsubo) is a dual-type Bug/Rock Pokémon introduced in Generation II. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

What is the highest damage Pokemon?


What move leaves a Pokemon with 1 HP?

False Swipe inflicts damage, but will leave the target with 1 HP if it would otherwise cause it to faint.

What is the strongest move in Pokemon?
