Common questions

Is Dollface a compliment?

Is Dollface a compliment?

“Doll” is not really a compliment as much as it is a term of endearment. “Barbie” refers to a specific doll.

Is Dollface an insult?

Definitions include: a person who is butt ugly or stupid. Definitions include: a person who has large, deep, pit-like scars on their face, typically caused by severe acne. Definitions include: a general insult.

Is Dollface one word or two?

noun. a person having a smooth, unblemished complexion and small, regular features.

What does doll mean in slang?

Slang. a pretty but expressionless or unintelligent woman. a girl or woman, especially one who is considered attractive. a boy or man who is considered attractive.

What if a girl calls you doll?

A close friend or someone who knows you for a long time – calling you ‘doll’ is a sign of familiarity and in a spirit of fun, provided you don’t mind. But if it is a casual acquaintance or stranger, this is a sign of disrespect because ‘doll’ has a sexual connotation and it sounds derogatory.

What is the male version of doll?


What’s another word for doll?

What is another word for doll?

puppet dolly
poppet toy
manikin plaything
action figure baby
effigy moppet

What is opposite of doll?

Opposite of a girl or young woman, especially one regarded as silly or headstrong. boy. lad. mister. schoolboy.

Is doll a girl?

Doll is a young female with brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles dotting across her nose. The eye, though badly scarred and disfigured, is still capable of shedding tears.

What does doll mean in Scottish?

The English translation of “doll” is. darling.

What does doll mean in Australian slang?

(Australia) A term of endearment (ie. darling).

Do they say cheers in Australia?

In Australian English “cheers” isn’t just used to celebrate before drinking with your mates, it is also used as a way to say thank you. Cheers can also be heard in other English speaking countries but is definitely most prominent in Australia.

Do they say Merry Christmas in Australia?

How Australian say “Merry Christmas” Divide Merry Christmas into M – erry – Ch – ristmas.