Is complete transitive or intransitive?

Is complete transitive or intransitive?

I second what DonnyB has posted above. “has completed” IMO requires a direct object, which in turn would make it a transitive verb. It can only correctly be used as an intransitive verb in the context you cite with the addition of the word “been.”

What is an example of an intransitive verb?

Here are examples of intransitive verbs: Huffing and puffing, we arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to spare. Arrived = intransitive verb. James went to the campus cafe for a steaming bowl of squid eyeball stew.

How do you identify an intransitive verb?

An intransitive verb is defined as a verb that does not take a direct object. That means there’s no word in the sentence that tells who or what received the action of the verb. While there may be a word or phrase following an intransitive verb, such words and phrases typically answer the question “how?”

What do you mean by intransitive?

intransitive verb. A verb that does not need a direct object to complete its meaning. Run, sleep, travel, wonder, and die are all intransitive verbs. (Compare transitive verb.)

What does intransitive mean in grammar?

An intransitive verb is one that does not take a direct object. In other words, it is not done to someone or something. A transitive verb can have a direct object. …

How do you use intransitive in a sentence?

In the sentence, The horse runs fast there is no object at all, so run is an intransitive verb. intransitive bodily sensations. intransitive subjects, as well as objects, instruments, and directional adverbs.

Is sleep an intransitive verb?

2 Answers. In the sentence you posted, it is an intransitive verb as eighteen hours is not an object. Sleep can be both intransitive and transitive, as defined in Merriam-Webster.

What are examples of transitive and intransitive verbs?

Some Verbs Can Be Transitive or Intransitive

Verb Transitive and Intransitive Example
to run I ran the show. (Transitive) I ran. (Intransitive)
to walk She is walking the dog. (Transitive) She is walking there. (Intransitive)
to eat Let’s eat pie. (Transitive) Let’s eat. (Intransitive)

How do you identify intransitive and transitive exercises?

Transitive Or Intransitive Verb Exercise

  1. She advised me to consult a doctor. Transitive.
  2. Let’s invite your cousins as well. Transitive.
  3. I waited for an hour. Transitive.
  4. I received your letter in the morning. Transitive.
  5. I am going to send her some flowers. Transitive.
  6. He has changed a lot since he got married.
  7. Suddenly the child woke up.
  8. The loud noise woke me.

How do you find the intransitive verb in a sentence?

Examples of Intransitive Verb

  1. A flock of birds is flying over our heads.
  2. We laughed so hard that we could not talk for a few minutes.
  3. We also sang a few songs though we were not good at it.
  4. We smiled at each other for encouraging each other.
  5. We wept together when one of us was in pain.
  6. We slept together feeling the warmth of each other.

What is called transitive verb?

A transitive verb is a verb that accepts one or more objects. This contrasts with intransitive verbs, which do not have objects. Verbs that accept only two arguments, a subject and a single direct object, are monotransitive.

How do you distinguish between transitive and intransitive verbs?

A verb can be described as transitive or intransitive based on whether it requires an object to express a complete thought or not. A transitive verb is one that only makes sense if it exerts its action on an object. An intransitive verb will make sense without one. Some verbs may be used both ways.

Is eat a transitive verb?

Let’s look at a simple word like “eat.” When “eat” is a transitive verb, it is always followed by its grammatical direct object—“toast” or “dinner,” for example.

Is have a transitive verb?

“Have” and all forms of the verb “to have” are transitive verbs. “Have” is transitive as it requires an object to…

How do you use transitive verbs?

Examples of Transitive Verbs

  1. Alex sent (transitive verb) a postcard (direct object) from Argentina.
  2. She left (transitive verb) the keys (direct object) on the table.
  3. My father took (transitive verb) me (direct object) to the movies for my birthday.
  4. Please buy (transitive verb) me a dog (direct object)!

Is drink a transitive verb?

The word “drink” is a transitive verb in “they drink wine”, but an intransitive one in “they drink often.”

Is hope a transitive verb?

transitive verb To desire with expectation or with belief in the possibility or prospect of obtaining; to look forward to as a thing desirable, with the expectation of obtaining it; to cherish hopes of. transitive verb obsolete To expect; to fear.

Is transitive verb like?

‘Like’ is therefore a transitive verb, because it has an object. In the second sentence, the verb is ‘laugh’. It has no object and is therefore an intransitive verb.

Is laughed a transitive verb?

Some intransitive verbs become transitive when a preposition is added to them. His friends laughed at him. (Laugh is an intransitive verb and does not take any object. Laugh at is a transitive verb and takes the object ‘him’.)

How do you express hope in English?

You can use formal as well as informal sentences in order to express hope. The normal expression is by simply using the verb ‘hope’ in the tense required by the sentence: “I hope to see you soon.”

What is the plural of hope?

Noun. hope (plural hopes)

Was hoping a grammar?

We use hoping to form one of the progressive tenses, like the present progressive and the past progressive: I am still hoping I’ll go to Paris by the end of the year. He was hoping you’d have time to talk before you left. The past tense of hope is hoped and the past tense of hop is hopped.

Is man a common noun?

A proper noun is the special word that we use for a person, place or organization, like John, Marie, London, France or Sony. A name is a noun, but a very special noun – a proper noun….Proper Nouns.

common noun proper noun
man, boy John
woman, girl Mary
country, town England, London
company Ford, Sony