Common questions

Is Ajar English?

Is Ajar English?

Meaning of ajar in English. If a door is ajar, it is slightly open: We left the door ajar so that we could hear what they were saying.

Why is it called ajar?

ajar (adv.) “on the turn (of a door or gate),” from Middle English char “a turn,” from Old English cier “a turn” (see chore).

What does ajar mean in Islam?

Urdu Word اجر – Ajar Meaning in English is Reward. Dictionary.

How do you use the word ajar?

Ajar sentence example

  1. She made sure the door was ajar so that she could hear what was going on inside the room.
  2. The door was ajar and the phone was on the hall table.
  3. The back door was ajar so that the dog could come and go.
  4. Her door was ajar and the chill from an open window washed over him.

What is a synonym for ajar?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ajar, like: unclosed, unshut, unlatched, open, closed, wide-open, jangly, half-open and null.

Is Ajar a Scrabble word?

Yes, ajar is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does AJR mean in Arabic?

reward, remuneration, compensation, wage, hire, pay, fare, fee.

Does ajar mean open?

adjective, adverb neither entirely open nor entirely shut; partly open: The door was ajar.

What does crinkly mean?

1a : to form many short bends or ripples. b : wrinkle. 2 : to give forth a thin crackling sound : rustle crinkling silks. transitive verb.

What does it mean to crinkle your nose?

Following a statement you disagree with, crinkle the nose by flexing the muscles around it forming an expression similar to disgust. Meaning and/or Motivation: A signal of dislike or disbelief as if a person is moving their nose away from a disagreeable smell.

Is loftily a word?

Loftily is defined as something done in an arrogant or haughty manner.

What does lofty dream mean?

Man is always said to chase lofty dreams; in a way, we are wired to do so. Lofty, meaning high in rank, style or physical height, implies achievement of a certain elevated position. The word is used often in the non-physical sense, signifying heights of achievement or status.

What does your seemingly lofty dream will come true?

What does your seemingly lofty dream will come true? Your dream will come true when you least expect it. The dream you’ve been dreaming all your life isn’t worth it.

Is hie a word?

Hie Isn’t a Word of the Past But don’t get the idea that hie is just a word of the past; it regularly pops up in current publications as well—often, though not always, in contexts in which the author is wanting to approximate an old-timey way of communicating.