Common questions

Is a database a custodian?

Is a database a custodian?

They are usually a senior business person who has the resources, budget and authority to be able to make changes to that data if necessary. Data Custodians are very much an IT role. They are responsible for maintaining data on the IT infrastructure in accordance with business requirements.

What is a system custodian?

A system administrator or Data Custodian is a person who has technical control over an information asset dataset. For the purpose of information security, a Data User is any employee, contractor or third-party provider who is authorized by the Data Owner to access information assets.

Who must comply with GDPR?

Any company that stores or processes personal information about EU citizens within EU states must comply with the GDPR, even if they do not have a business presence within the EU. Specific criteria for companies required to comply are: A presence in an EU country.

How often should GDPR training be done?

Training must be Refreshed Annually This is pretty basic, and in line with most other compliance regulation. Put a date in your diary when your training expires and make sure you update it in 12 months.

Why is GDPR training important?

GDPR staff training for awareness That extends to your staff and their need to be aware of the risks involved in processing personal data and how to mitigate those risks. The certification not only motivates, but it also helps employees prove their basic understanding of the GDPR and the practice of data protection.

Why is GDPR necessary?

GDPR is important because it improves the protection of European data subjects’ rights and clarifies what companies that process personal data must do to safeguard these rights. All companies and organisations that deal with data relating to EU citizens must comply by the new GDPR.

What is GDPR awareness training?

The course aims to provide non-technical staff with a complete foundation on the principles, roles, responsibilities and processes under the GDPR, reducing your organisation’s risk of non-compliance.

What is GDPR training?

From MaThese EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) training courses are aimed at almost all professionals who work in health, adult care or the third sector. GDPR training includes topics such as risk assessment and security awareness. …