Common questions

How thick is a ridge board?

How thick is a ridge board?

1 inch
Ridge boards shall be at least 1 inch nominal thickness and not less in depth than the cut end of the rafter (IRC section R802. 3). Chapter 8 of the International Residential Code (IRC) prescribes the elements for a type of roof frame known as a ‘compression roof’.

What size should a ridge board be?

Choose a ridge board that is one size larger than your common rafters. For 2 X 4 rafters, use a 2 X 6 ridge board; for 2 X 6 rafters, use a 2 X 8 ridge board, and so on. The ridge board’s length will be the outside measurement of the building plus the length of the overhang, at both ends.

Are trusses the same as rafters?

Trusses are prefabricated roof structures, whereas rafters are assembled on-site. Rafters cost more than trusses as their installation process is labor-intensive. Trusses are composed of multiple beams for added support. Rafters, on the other hand, contain two main beams to support the roof.

What is the difference between common rafters and hip rafters?

COMMON RAFTER: A rafter that runs perpendicular (90°) from the wall plate to the roof ridge when looking straight down at the roof. HIP RAFTER: A rafter that runs diagonally from the top of the wall plate to the roof ridge, so as to form an outside corner of the roof (see Figures 1, 8, 9 and 10).

Do you need a ridge beam for rafters?

Is a Ridge Beam Necessary? A ridge beam is a must for peaked roofs with a slope less than 3/12, or where a continuous tie by a collar tie or ceiling joist isn’t possible, or if the ceiling joists don’t run parallel to the rafters. A beam is also necessary if the ceiling joists are above the bottom 1/3 of the rafters.

Is it cheaper to use trusses or rafters?

It is certainly true that trusses are more commonly used than rafters. They’re more economical to build and offer the same or greater roof strength. There’s a lot to like. However, trusses don’t give you the opportunity for creativity in home design that rafters allow.

Does a ridge board need to be supported?

The only purpose of a ridge board is to provide a stable bearing surface for the tops of paired rafters to meet. This can be provided by horizontal ceiling rafters that connect between the walls or a concrete block wall with a tie beam. So a ridge board does not have to be supported.