Common questions

How long does a feast last mount and blade?

How long does a feast last mount and blade?

The feast will start 4-5 days later, and lords will come to your castle/town. Every greeting with a lord will give you +1 relationship (which may be repeated every day of the feast), and if you hold them until the end of the feast, +2 relationship with them is gained along with bit of renown.

How do you get married in Mount and Blade Warband?

You start courting a lady by declaring yourself her “most ardent admirer”. You can court several ladies at the same time, and make your decision later on. You can also court a lady of a faction where you are not a vassal, although it may be difficult to visit her in times of war.

Can you divorce in Warband?

Wait wait wait, you CAN divorce, at least in Warband!! While on the map, type ‘ctrl + ~’. Type in ‘cheatmenu’, then camp. and choose ‘Divorce Player Spouse.

Can you marry Lady Isolla?

It is possible to marry female claimants (either Lady Isolla of Suno or Arwa the Pearled One).

Can you marry companions in Warband?

Yes you can, but you have to be female yourself. And then make them a vassal, then they’re just like any other lord you have the potential to marry. Even the female companions oddly enough, since they get treated as if they’re male themselves.

Can you marry a king’s daughter in Mount and Blade Warband?

Ok, I’ve gotten farther in my game (actually I did a while ago but I forgot about this topic), if you mod in a king’s daughter you can indeed marry them without any other modding.

Can you marry companions in Bannerlord?

Here are some tidbits if you plan on having your character marry a noble in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord: You can only choose unmarried clan members of the opposite sex. You can court and flirt with as many would-be partners as possible, though you can only choose to marry one.

Who is the best wife in Bannerlord?

[Top 10] Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord Best Wife – How To Choose

  • Phaea.
  • Yana.
  • Ira.
  • Liena.
  • Silvind. Silvind is a jack-of-all-trades from the Kingdom of Vlandia.
  • Sora. Sora is a strongly moral noblewoman of the Northern Empire.
  • Siga. Siga is your ideal choice for a warrior woman.
  • Arwa. Arwa has it all; she’s beautiful, skilled in all forms of combat and she’s got solid Stewardship skills.

How many wives can you have in Bannerlord?

While you can flirt with everyone, you can only marry one partner.

How do you cheat in Bannerlord?

Bannerlord cheats that work

  1. Ctrl + H – heals your character.
  2. Ctrl + LMB – teleports you to the clicked location on the map.
  3. Ctrl + Shift + H – heals your horse.
  4. Ctrl + F3 – damages your character.
  5. Ctrl + Alt + F4 – knock all enemies unconcious.
  6. Ctrl + F6 – knocks out one of your troops.

How do I marry my brother in Bannerlord?

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord When you talk to the heads of other clans there is a conversation option to marry your brother or sister to the clan leaders family members. When you agree they tell you to introduce yourself. Then when you go and talk to them there is no conversation option.

How do you get rich in Bannerlord?

How to Make Money Fast

  1. Complete Village Quests.
  2. Trade Items For a Profit.
  3. Hunt Looters For Their Weapons and Armor.
  4. Smelt Weapons For Money.
  5. Become a Mercenary in Bannerlord.
  6. Compete in Tournaments.

How do you heal in Bannerlord?

How to restore health? The only way to regenerate health points in M&B Bannerlord is… letting time pass. There are no magic, consumable health items in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord that would let you replenish health – an injured character needs time to fully recover. But you can speed the process up.

Do caravans make money Bannerlord?

Caravans in Bannerlord are non-controlled AI that roam the trade routes selling goods to cities and towns. Caravans can be a very lucrative business, with the added benefit of when you send them off into the wild, they’re almost not your problem anymore – you’ve just got to hope they’ll bring back the dollar.

How do you get good at Bannerlord?

  1. There’s No Shame In Playing Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord On (Very) Easy Mode.
  2. Don’t Do It – Don’t Skip That Combat Tutorial.
  3. Make Sure You Have Plenty Of Active Save Slots.
  4. Get Yourself Some Mates – Quick.
  5. Don’t Worry About Spending Gold Early On.
  6. Archers Always Hit The Mark.
  7. Build Workshops As Soon As You Can.

What should I do first in Bannerlord?

Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord: Best starting tips Mount and Blade 2 guide, tips

  1. Best starting culture.
  2. Practice combat in the tutorial.
  3. Save frequently.
  4. Use a shield.
  5. Recruit soldiers.
  6. Remember about food.
  7. Complete missions.
  8. Get better weapons.

What is the goal of Bannerlord?

The logical steps for you at that point is to join a faction either as a vassal or as a mercenary, try to get your own castle or even a town where you can store your things and all …or just fool around with bandits wand whatnot till you are strong enough to take a castle.

Does Bannerlord have first person?

there’s basically no videos in first person even though it is a thing in Bannerlord.

How do you sprint in Bannerlord?

Bad news, we’re sorry to say: there’s no sprint button in Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord. As was the case in Warband, you have either walk or run to toggle between using “CAPS LOCK” and that’s it. For those who want to traverse the map faster, make sure you keep your horse close by.

How do you use console commands in Bannerlord?

Once installed, you can press Ctrl and ~ (tilde) to open the console and start using console commands. Press Ctrl and ~ again to close it. Bannerlord’s console commands are case sensitive, so you’ll need to enter them just as they appear or they won’t work.

How do you zoom out in Bannerlord?

Map Controls: (Campaign)

  1. Move Party Up: Up Arrow.
  2. Move Party Down: Down Arrow.
  3. Move Party Right: Right Arrow.
  4. Move Party Left: Left Arrow.
  5. Quick Save: F5.
  6. Camera Speed: Left Shift.
  7. Zoom In: Mouse Scroll Up.
  8. Zoom Out: Mouse Scroll Down.

How do I follow someone in Bannerlord 2?

You can follow a party with alt + left click.

How do you switch weapons in Bannerlord?

scrollwheel up/down or num1-num4 to cycle through equipped weapons/shields. The “x” toggle is for weapons that can be used both as ranged and close combat, switching between functions, such as javelins, throwing knives and throwing axes.

How do you walk in Bannerlord?

The key you need to hit is Caps Lock, which will toggle between run and walk. That’s the good news. The bad news is, as you might notice, your character doesn’t run all that fast.

How do you go faster in Bannerlord?

The easiest way to improve your world map speed is to buy horses. These must be horses, not mules. While mounts can be equipped on your main character and your companion, they cannot be equipped on units unless the unit requires horses for an upgrade.

Can you play Bannerlord with a controller?

It’s not perfect, but for those who prefer, you can use it. The process of using your controller works, but only mildly. Bannerlord was not made for the player to entirely rely on the use of a controller, but if you can manage it during combat, and still control your troops and fight, there’s no harm in doing it.

Can you run Bannerlord?

Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord is actually one of the few games to officially support a level of integrated GPUs! In order to run the game on at least Low settings, Taleworlds believes you’ll need at least a GeForce GTX 660, or a Radeon HD 7850, or an Intel UHD Graphics 630 for your GPU/video card.