Common questions

How does ganondorf die?

How does ganondorf die?

In Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, is stabbed in his execution wound by Link with the Master Sword. The Triforce of Power leaves him, and at the sight of the spirit of Zant snapping his neck, Ganondorf died standing up.

How many times has Ganondorf died?

He has to be resurrected twice, and is killed both times, then shows up later. So at least three deaths and resurrections.

Does ganondorf die in Wind Waker?

In Wind Waker Ganon is killed by Link with the Master Sword after Zelda stuns him with the Light Arrows. No one has the Triforce when this happens.

What can kill Ganondorf?

The SILVER arrows are the only known thing that can kill him then. There ARE games though where Ganondorf doesn’t have the Triforce, and is vulnerable to weaker weaponry (i.e Oracles, Four Swords Adventures), and ends up being destroyed. Attacks from the Four Sword and the Wodden Blade can even damage him.

Is ganondorf black?

Now if you’re talking about Ganondorf, he’s olive-skinned. Think a super dark-skinned Italian. His skin-tone, while unusual and exotic, could technically exist realistically if you mix the right gene-pools, so he’s not green, black or grey, just a very dark shade of Mediterranean and/or Middle Eastern skin tones.

Why is Ganon evil?

When Ganondorf discovered the lost knowledge of how to enter the Sacred Realm where the Triforce lay, he killed his minions in order to be the only one able to claim the Triforce. When he laid his hands upon it, the Sacred Realm changed into the Dark World and he was transformed into a boar-like demon, Ganon.

Who is ganondorf’s mother?


Why is Ganon a pig?

In Ocarina of Time (the first game in the seires after SS) he used the Triforce of Power to Turn into Ganon, which was a pig-form. Ganon is essentially a Triforce-powered battle mode for Ganondorf. So when he’s doing battle he assumes the form – and games like OoT and TP, he does so as a last resort of sorts.

Is Ganon immortal?

Near-Immortality: Thanks to Triforce, Ganondorf has become almost immortal. He can no longer die of old age and is insensitive to all conventional weapons.

Is ganondorf a good guy?

Ever since Link first picked up his sword, Ganondorf has usually been there as the main antagonist. But many gamers have theorized that Ganondorf isn’t as bad as we all may think. In fact, he could even be considered a good guy.

Who is Ganondorf’s father?

1: His dad was the previous king of the Gerudo and was also the pimp of the Gerudo. He was kind of a male version of the queen bee, the sole procreater. If there were any males born, he’d execute them in favor of tradition; until 100 years later when Ganondorf is born.

What race is ganondorf?


Is Zelda A elf?

Through The Legend of Zelda series, Link is depicted as a child, teenager, or young adult of the Hylian race (a Hylian would only be described as a type of “elf”) originating from the fictional land of Hyrule….Link (The Legend of Zelda)

Affiliation Kingdom of Hyrule
Weapon Master Sword

Which Ganon is the strongest?

The Legend Of Zelda: The 10 Strongest Versions Of Ganon, Ranked

  1. 1 Ganon (A Link To The Past) Ganon in his absolute prime.
  2. 2 Calamity Ganon (Breath Of The Wild) This Ganon straight up wins.
  3. 3 Yuganon (A Link Between Worlds)
  4. 4 Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
  5. 5 Ganon (Oracle Duology)
  6. 6 Ganondorf (The Wind Waker)
  7. 7 Ganondorf (Ocarina Of Time)
  8. 8 Ganon (The Legend Of Zelda)

Is Majora stronger than Ganon?

Ganon is a demi-god/god yes, but he is still defeated by Link. Majora is supposedly only defeated by Link with the power of the Fierce Deity. It would be an intense battle, but in the end, Majora would win.

Which is the hardest blight Ganon?


Is Ganon stronger than demise?

In terms of plot, Ganondorf is still more powerful than Demise. Hylia was able to defeat Demise in battle as shown by Skyward Sword’s backstory. The three Golden Goddesses were not able to defeat Ganondorf though, when he broke free from the seal as shown by The Wind Waker’s backstory.

Who is the strongest Zelda?

1 STRONGEST: Dark Link He is also canonically extremely powerful (even if he isn’t that great of a bounty hunter). He is made of shadow magic but has all of the same powers and strength as Link himself. With this in mind, Dark Link’s power rivals that of the Hero of Twilight and the Hero of Time.

Why does Ganon want to destroy Hyrule?

Ganon embodies the power and fixation of Hyrule but he confuses the motive. He wants to rule the kingdom because, in his mind, to rule is to win. Vaati wants to destroy the kingdom because, in his mind, to destroy is to win.

Who is the most powerful character in Zelda?

Here’s my list:

  • Fierce Diety Link.
  • Ganondorf (with Triforce of Power)
  • Majora.
  • The 4 Giants.
  • Link (with Triforce of Courage)
  • Zelda (with Triforce of Wisdom)
  • Kotake and Koume.

Who is the strongest Zelda villain?

To top it off, Calamity Ganon only managed to severely wound Link, whereas Ocarina of Time Ganon actually killed him. As a result, Ocarina of Time’s Ganon is the most powerful version of the King of Evil in The Legend of Zelda..

Is link the strongest champion?

Yes, Link is the strongest (both physically and mentally) and most-skilled person in the game. And while the 4 champions were important, in the end they were ‘only’ there to support Link, the chosen hero. Thanks for the response.

Who is the weakest champion in Botw?

Zora princess Mipha

Is link a God?

As Fierce Deity Link, Link wears the deity’s armor and wields the deity’s signature greatsword the Fierce Deity Sword which can fire magical Sword Beams.

Why is Link so powerful?

Link is durable, full of stamina and pretty much in great shape for any age. However, what Link has that cannot be seen that makes him so powerful is courage. Link is the bravest hero, so courageous in his actions and deeds that he is blessed to carry the triforce piece of courage.

Why is Link so small?

Often they are teenagers, but in several cases they are much younger, maybe in the 10–11 year range. So in some games, but not all, Link is small simply because he is not fully grown. In other games, Link is 16–18 years old and is then generally depicted as a pretty average size compared to others of his race.