How do you use perpetuate in a sentence?

How do you use perpetuate in a sentence?

Perpetuate sentence example

  1. Nations are possessed with an insane ambition to perpetuate the memory of themselves by the amount of hammered stone they leave.
  2. But there could be little guarantee that later generations would perpetuate the cult.
  3. Again, they perpetuate the traditions of the Achaemenid Empire.

How do you use perpetrate in a sentence?

Examples of perpetrate in a Sentence The men were planning to perpetrate a robbery. The attack was perpetrated by a street gang. He vowed revenge for the crime perpetrated on his family.

How do you use downtrodden in a sentence?

Downtrodden in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Hanging his head low, the downtrodden slave felt as if his life was without meaning.
  2. Browbeaten and downtrodden, the citizens were ruled by a power-crazed dictator.
  3. Exploited and downtrodden members of society were persecuted by the cruel tyrant.

What is a downtrodden?

Someone who’s downtrodden is mistreated by some powerful person or group. An exploited, underpaid worker is downtrodden. The adjective downtrodden is more often used to talk about groups of oppressed people, rather than one specific person.

What is another word for downtrodden?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for downtrodden, like: tyrannized, overcome, subjugated, oppressed, happy, satisfied, respected, downtrod, trampled, and the-dispossessed.

What is another word for vigilant?

Some common synonyms of vigilant are alert, watchful, and wide-awake. While all these words mean “being on the lookout especially for danger or opportunity,” vigilant suggests intense, unremitting, wary watchfulness.

What vigilant means?

watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, alert mean being on the lookout especially for danger or opportunity. watchful is the least explicit term. the watchful eye of the department supervisor vigilant suggests intense, unremitting, wary watchfulness.

What is the opposite of vigilant?

Antonyms: careless, drowsy, dull, heedless, inattentive, incautious, inconsiderate, neglectful, negligent, oblivious, thoughtless, unwary. Synonyms: alert, awake, careful, cautious, circumspect, on the alert, on the lookout, sleepless, wakeful, wary, watchful, wide-awake.

What does vigilant India mean?

adjective. keenly watchful to detect danger; wary. a vigilant sentry.

What part of speech is vigilant?

Vigilance is the noun form of the adjective vigilant, meaning watchful or alert.

How do you subjugate someone?

To subjugate is to repress someone, or to make them subservient to you. In subjugate you see the word subject. In this word, it’s not talking about the subject of a sentence, rather it’s talking about the kind of subjects that Kings have serving them. Subjugate is to reduce someone’s status to that of a subject.

What is another word for subjugated?

SYNONYMS FOR subjugate 1, 2 overcome, vanquish, reduce, overpower.

How do you use subjugate in a sentence?

Subjugate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. When the settlers first landed on the continent, they tried to subjugate the natives and turn them into slaves.
  2. Is your goal to take away our freedom and subjugate us by military force?

What is a sentence for supercilious?

Supercilious sentence example The supercilious lady next door doesn’t even smile when we pass in the street. The supercilious attitude of the opposing team was intimidating. Even the woman’s voice was unpleasant and supercilious , making her very unattractive to Jon. He liked people who were down to earth.

What does conquest mean?

1 : the act or process of conquering. 2a : something conquered especially : territory appropriated in war. b : a person whose favor or hand has been won. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about conquest..

What is the meaning of proliferating?

1 : to grow by rapid production of new parts, cells, buds, or offspring. 2 : to increase in number as if by proliferating : multiply. transitive verb. 1 : to cause to grow by proliferating.

What is a proliferation in anatomy?

Proliferation is the growth of tissue cells. In many diseases, it is abnormal. They have high rates of cell division and growth.

Is Proliferant a word?

adjective. Tending to proliferate; engaged in proliferation; prolific.

What does Proliferation mean in politics?

Nuclear proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons technology, or fissile material to countries that do not already possess them. The term is also used to refer to the possible acquisition of nuclear weapons by terrorist organizations or other armed groups.

Why is Proliferation important?

To develop bodies and organs, cell proliferation of multiple rounds is necessary in all multi- cellular organisms during embryogenesis. In this way, regulation of cell proliferation is very important for development and also related biological areas, and the knowledge of underlying mechanisms is accumulating.

Why nuclear proliferation is dangerous?

These risks fall into three classes: the risk that some fraction, be it large or small, of the inventories of nuclear weapons held by eight countries will be detonated either by accident or deliberately; the risk that nuclear weapons technology will diffuse to additional nations; and the risk that nuclear weapons will …

What are the reasons for weapons proliferation?

Competition to gain power and status is most often the cause for the proliferation of weapons. Small arms, nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons are the types of weapons most often discussed when talking about the issue.

What is proliferation of weapons?

Proliferation means growth or multiplication. U.S. goals for non-proliferation (or counterproliferation) include stopping the development of new weapons, reducing and safeguarding the stockpiles of existing weapons, and preventing the spread of WMD technology, particularly among enemies of the United States.