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How do you use florid in a sentence?

How do you use florid in a sentence?

Florid sentence example. He had much taste and love for music, and considerable gifts as an orator of a florid type. It is full of youthful enthusiasm and is written in florid language. Her own account of her escape is, as usual, so florid that it provokes the question whether she was really in any danger.

What part of speech is Florida?

Florida (proper noun) …

What’s another word for extenuating?

Extenuating Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for extenuating?

mitigating justifying
moderating qualifying
diminishing exculpatory
excusing exonerative
justificatory lessening

What does frugal mean in English?

English Language Learners Definition of frugal : careful about spending money or using things when you do not need to : using money or supplies in a very careful way.

Is it ivy tower or ivory tower?

Ivory Towers I sometimes confuse “ivory tower” and “ivy tower.” It’s only a matter of or. In my mind the halls of academe are frequently covered with ivy, but the usual term for a rarified higher education is actually “ivory tower.” A pristine, white edifice unstained by the concerns of day-to-day life.

What is the ivory tower syndrome?

“Ivory tower syndrome” is a real thing, and employees are quick to notice it. It happens when leaders become out of touch with the people they manage. When this happens, leaders are in a dangerous position. They become isolated from the actual business and, as a result, they’re more inclined to make bad decisions.

What does it mean to withdraw into an ivory tower?

Ivory tower is defined as a place where people are happily cut off from the rest of the world. It involves Withdrawing or Separating oneself from ordinary people. Such person is not in touch with everyday practical problems.

Why do they call it the ivory tower?

In Andrew Hodges’ biography of the University of Cambridge scientist Alan Turing, he discusses Turing’s 1936-38 stay at Princeton University and writes that “[t]he tower of the Graduate College was an exact replica of Magdalen College, and it was popularly called the Ivory Tower, because of that benefactor of Princeton …

Where does the saying ivory tower come from?

The image of an ivory tower is used in the Bible in the Song of Solomon to describe a woman’s purity. The modern meaning of the term ivory tower first appears in France in the 1830s as tour d’ivoire to mean an impractical dreamer.

What is the meaning of indulgent?

1 : willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration : indulging or characterized by indulgence indulgent grandparents. 2 : done or enjoyed as a special treat or pleasure indulgent desserts.

What does reclusive mean?

1 : seeking solitude : retiring from society a reclusive neighbor While Stephen King is far from reclusive, he doesn’t spend much time promoting his horror-filled novels.— Sarah Lyall. 2 : marked by seclusion or retirement : solitary … sit under the reclusive calm of the acacia tree.—

What is the meaning of arcane?

known or knowable only to a few people

Are dunce caps illegal?

As modern conceptions of classroom etiquette and punishments that didn’t humiliate and traumatize students evolved, use of the dunce cap was phased out and banned in most Western schools. These days, calling someone a dunce continues to be an effective, if slightly archaic, insult.

Where does dunce come from?

The word dunce comes from a thirteenth century Scottish philosopher, John Duns Scotus, whose resistance to new ideas and mystical beliefs inspired opponents to equate his followers, the “Duns disciples,” to “dullards.” Later, some teachers made children wear pointed paper “dunce caps” when they misbehaved.

How do you get the dunce cap in GTA 5?

Just blow up other peoples personal cars and quit out of missions with other players, do it as much and as often as possible. A few days of being in a bad sport lobby and the ‘awesome’ dunce hat will be your rewards. Once you’re out of the bad sport lobby: repeat. After awhile you’ll get to keep the hat forever.

How do you use dunce in a sentence?

Dunce in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because it takes me a long time to solve the problems, I am a dunce at mathematics.
  2. My boyfriend is a dunce when it comes to learning how to cook.
  3. My mother was not happy when I told her the teacher called me a dunce.
  4. I feel like such a dunce when it comes to understanding technology.