
How do you see possible corrections for misspelled words?

How do you see possible corrections for misspelled words?

How do you see possible corrections for misspelled words? Right click on misspelled words to see possible corrections.

How do you check a document for errors?

To start a check of the spelling and grammar in your file just press F7 or follow these steps:

  1. Open most Office programs, click the Review tab on the ribbon.
  2. Click Spelling or Spelling & Grammar.
  3. If the program finds spelling mistakes, a dialog box appears with the first misspelled word found by the spelling checker.

What is the keyboard shortcut to check spelling and grammar?

Here’s a quick tip to run a spell check using the only the keyboard. Just hit Alt + F7 on your keyboard and it will start with the first misspelled word. If the first highlighted word at the top of the list is correct, just hit Enter. Or you can arrow to the correct one, ignore it, or Add to Dictionary.

What can you do if the spelling and grammar checker finds an error that is not really an error?

What do you do if the spelling and grammar checker finds an error that is not really an error? Click Ignore. You’ve accidentally deleted a whole paragraph that you had selected; what is the easiest and quickest way to get the paragraph back? Use the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut.

What is a benefit of manually running a spelling check on the whole document?

What is a benefit of manually running a spelling check on the whole document? It takes you through every error in the document. How can you view a list of corrections for possible errors? What happens when the “Ignore All” option is chosen from the Spelling menu?

What is the red squiggly line in word called?

Microsoft Word turns on Spell check and Grammar check by default. The red wavy underlines just mean flagged spelling errors and the green underlines mean flagged grammatical errors.

How do you spell doesn t?

Correct spelling for the English word “doesn’t” is [dˈʌzənt], [dˈʌzənt], [d_ˈʌ_z_ə_n_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you spell daughter?

Correct spelling for the English word “daughter” is [dˈɔːtə], [dˈɔːtə], [d_ˈɔː_t_ə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you spell really?

Correct spelling for the English word “really” is [ɹˈi͡əlɪ], [ɹˈi‍əlɪ], [ɹ_ˈiə_l_ɪ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How do you spell wanted?

Correct spelling for the English word “wanted” is [wˈɒntɪd], [wˈɒntɪd], [w_ˈɒ_n_t_ɪ_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Can you say cute to a guy?

Zaio Guest. Yes, cute is a good word, it’s a word used when someone is attracted to a certain quality in you. If they say you have a cute smile, it means they’re attracted to it. Don’t turn a compliment into an insult based on insecurities about masculinity.

Is calling a girl cute a compliment?

You’re so cute Cute encompasses both looks and personality. By calling a girl cute your letting her know your attracted to both her externally and internally. This is because, although cute is a compliment, calling a girl cute too often — without making any further steps in your relationship — can signal a red flag.

Does cute mean pretty?

“Cute” generally means pretty or beautiful. In my experience, it usually is used with somebody or something smaller, but this is not always true. If a girl is short and pretty, she would almost certainly be described as cute.

Do girls like being called beautiful?

Giving a woman a compliment is usually acceptable, but because there are times when compliments come with a host of underlying issues and expectations, a woman will usually only prefer to be called beautiful by a man she already feels attracted to.

Common questions

How do you see possible corrections for misspelled words?

How do you see possible corrections for misspelled words?

How do you see possible corrections for misspelled words? Right click on misspelled words to see possible corrections.

What is the spelling of suggestion?

Correct spelling for the English word “suggestion” is [səd͡ʒˈɛst͡ʃən], [səd‍ʒˈɛst‍ʃən], [s_ə_dʒ_ˈɛ_s_tʃ_ə_n] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is the example of suggestion?

The definition of a suggestion is a proposal made or an idea that has been put forth. An example of suggestion is when someone offers up an idea for what to do that evening.

How do you make a polite suggestion?

How to Make Polite, Indirect Suggestions

  1. Turn your suggestion into a question. You might sound like a know-it-all if you make direct suggestions before knowing all the facts.
  2. Use tentative language.
  3. Use past tenses.
  4. Use the word we whenever possible.
  5. 9 “Innocent” Expressions That May Offend Your Listener.
  6. 3 Words You May Not Realize Have a Negative Connotation.

How do you politely refuse a suggestion?


  1. You should give a polite response if you are rejecting the reader’s suggestion. Acknowledging the customer’s or employee’s idea can serve as a useful public relations tool.
  2. Offer a compliment or thank the reader for presenting a suggestion.
  3. Explain why you turned down the idea.
  4. End with a positive comment.

How do I ask for a suggestion?

Asking for Advice

  1. What do you suggest?
  2. What do you advise me to do?
  3. What should I do (about…)?
  4. What ought I to do?
  5. What’s your advice?
  6. If you were me what would you do?
  7. What do you thing I should do (about…)?
  8. What would you suggest I do..?

How can I give suggestions in English?

5 Simple ways to give advice in English

  1. Use a modal verb. There are two modal verbs we often use for giving advice: ‘should’ and ‘ought to’.
  2. Make it into a question.
  3. Put yourself in the person’s position.
  4. Make a suggestion.
  5. Advise in a stronger way.

Is a suggestion a question?

In general, a request is a question; a suggestion is not. In fact, a suggestion is often the response to a request or question, like this: the request: “Mum, how can I help you today” the response: “I suggest you start by tidying your room” You could say : “may I make a suggestion?” This is a request.

What is another word for suggestion?

What is another word for suggestion?

proposal advice
proposition commendation
recommendation counsel
idea motion
submission exhortation

What is the opposite word of suggestion?

Antonyms for suggestion demand, telling, condemnation, declaration, question, order.

What is another word for improved?

What is another word for improve?

enhance embellish
enrich aggrandize
amplify boost
lift ameliorate
better uplift

What is a hint?

: a small piece of information that helps you guess an answer or do something more easily. : information about something given in an indirect way especially : a statement that suggests something that you do not want to say in a direct way. : a very small amount of something. hint.

How do you use the word hint?

Hint sentence example

  1. Brennan offered a hint of information.
  2. The kind man’s face held a hint of sympathy.
  3. I sensed his surprise, and a hint of nervousness.
  4. If it was so simple, Andre wouldn’t be trying to drop a hint without betraying the confidence of Deidre.
  5. Landon took the hint and left.

Is hint water good for you?

It’s, like, the healthiest thing you’ve ever drank. On top of being a legitimately delicious beverage, hint has zero calories, zero fake diet sweeteners, zero preservatives, and it’s vegan and gluten free.

What does take a hint mean?

to understand what

Is flavored water bad for your kidneys?

Just like the stuff coming out of your own tap. With flavored waters, those little bottles may also contain far too much sodium, sugar, or artificial sweeteners to be healthy for someone struggling with kidney disease. The good news is that homemade flavored waters are one of the easiest things you can make.

Is hint safe to drink?

Is it healthy? Yes, it’s healthy because Hint Water is sugar free, vegan and gluten free. It also doesn’t include diet sweeteners, preservatives or calories.

Is hint water bad for your teeth?

Drinking flavored sparkling water might make your teeth more susceptible to cavities, dentists say. The bubbles and the flavoring make the drinks more acidic, which can erode your tooth enamel. But sparkling drinks are less acidic than sodas, so you’re OK as long as you drink them in moderation.

What is the next best thing to drink besides water?

The 10 Healthier Beverages (besides water)

  • Green Tea.
  • Orange Juice. Image: © Brent Hofacker/Fotolia.com.
  • Beet Juice. Image: © Printemps/Fotolia.com.
  • Hot Chocolate. Image: © olyina/Fotolia.com.
  • Kale Juice. Image: © ckellyphoto/Fotolia.com.
  • Lemon Juice. Image: © Andrzej Tokarski/Fotolia.com.
  • Ginger Tea. Image: © olyina/Fotolia.com.
  • Cranberry Juice. Image: © bit24/Fotolia.com.

Can you drink flavored water after brushing your teeth?

The bottom line: You can hydrate with seltzer between brushing your teeth and going to bed without risking dental damage. You should do a second cleaning if you’re drinking one that’s artificially colored, which may stain teeth over time, Messina notes.

What drinks are good for your teeth?

The best beverage choices include water (especially fluoridated water), milk, and unsweetened tea. Limit your consumption of sugar-containing drinks, including soft drinks, lemonade, and coffee or tea with added sugar.

What foods make your teeth stronger?

Calcium-rich foods, such as low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese, and fortified soymilk help promote strong teeth and bones. Other sources of calcium include tofu (made with calcium sulfate), canned salmon, almonds and some dark green leafy vegetables.

Are bananas bad for your teeth?

Sugar and starches, which are both found in bananas, can contribute tooth decay. The bacteria in our mouths love these simple carbohydrates, and they eat them, reproduce, and excrete acid that can contribute to tooth decay.

Can milk rot your teeth?

All types of milk can cause cavities if they are inappropriately consumed. For example, cavities on the upper front teeth can develop if a baby with teeth is put to bed at night with a bottle of milk. However, plain cow’s milk typically does not cause cavities if it is given in a cup with meals.