Common questions

How do you respond to Todo Bien?

How do you respond to Todo Bien?

To answer your question, you may say hago eso bien when you want to say I do that well, and lo hago bien when you want to say I do it well.

What do todos mean?


Does Bien mean good in Spanish?

When used as a noun, bien means “good” as in “good & evil.” It can also stand for “property” or “goods.” When used as an adverb, bueno/buena means “enough.” But bien can also roughly translate as “enough,” as in ¡Ya está bien!

What does Bien mean in German?

French – German

French German
or Gold
bien Gut
bien Zustimmung
bien Zustimmung

Can Bien mean very?

Insert bien where the words “very” or “really” would go. El melón está bien dulce.

Does Bueno mean hello?

It is just a way for them to say “Hello”. This word literally means “right” or “good”. In this case, it is a mexican-style telephone greeting… I read once that “bueno” comes from the very early days when telephone came up in Mexico and due the the many fails the callers used to ask, ¿bueno?

What does fatal mean in Spanish?

fatal Adjective. fatal, (disastrousunfortunateterrible) desastroso, Mod. catastrófico, Mod.

What does Mal mean?

1 : bad : badly maltreat. 2 : abnormal : abnormally malformation. mal.

What does Mal mean in anime?

My Anime List

Is AniList better than Mal?

MAL is largely just older than most other sites of similar purpose, so it’s the one most people use. Personally I prefer AniList cause the site design is more appealing and for some slightly more robust features, like more than one rating scale and no cap on favorites.

What does Bel mean?

Bel, signifying “lord” or “master”, is a title rather than a genuine name, applied to various gods in Babylonian religion. The feminine form is Belit ‘Lady, Mistress’. Bel is represented in Greek as Belos and in Latin as Belus.

Is Mal Greek or Latin?

Root Meaning in English Origin language
mal- bad, wretched Latin
mamm- breast Latin
man-, mant- (ΜΑΝ) crazy Greek
man- flow Latin

Does Mal mean bad in Spanish?

The dictionary says mal = badly (adverb) and malo = bad (adjective). Yet es and está both mean “it/he/she is, but it doesn’t sound right to use the adverb form – “it/he/she is badly.”

What words have the root mal?

Words Based on the Mal Root Word

  • Mala fide: Doing something in bad faith, in an attempt to deceive someone.
  • Malabsorption: Bad absorption of food.
  • Maladjusted: A bad ability to adjust to a social environment.
  • Malaise: A general state of feeling badly; sickness.
  • Malign: Evil-natured.
  • Malefactor: Evildoer.
  • Malady: Bad disease.

How old is the word evil?

“Evil,” written as yfel in Old English, was definitively recorded as a noun around the year 825 and as an adjective in 897, according to citations in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Who made darkness?


Did God mean for us to eat animals?

Another approach to these texts is to suggest that God reluctantly permitted the eating of animals due to human sinfulness. In other words, God permitted humans to eat non-human animals as a concession to the Fallen state of humanity.

Does the Bible say to not eat animals?

Bible Gateway Leviticus 11 :: NIV. You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud. “`There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them.