How do you respond to Salam greeting?

How do you respond to Salam greeting?

The greeting is a standard salutation among Muslims, whether socially or within worship and other contexts. The typical response to the greeting is wa-ʿalaykumu as-salām (وَعَلَيْكُمُ ٱلسَّلَامُ; “and upon you be peace”).

Which Surah has Allah in every verse?

Surah Al-Mujadala

Which Surah is called mother of Quran?

Surah Fatiha

What is the most important Surah in Quran?

Surah Yasin is the heart of the Qur’an. What is the most powerful verse in the Quran? Ayat al-Kursi is regarded as one of the most powerful ayahs in the Quran because when it is recited, the greatness of God is believed to be confirmed.

Which is the middle word of Quran?

The word in the middle of the Holy Quran is وَلْيَتَلَطَّفْ in the story of the People of the Cave. It means “let him be kindly subtle”.

Why was Surah Kahf revealed?

Surah Al Kahf is a Makki Surah. This Surah was revealed to the Prophet before he migrated to Medina. In order to help find refuge for the Muslims, the Prophet SAW left his home town for the welcoming city of Medina. This Surah was revealed between the 8th and 10th year of Prophet Hood.

What does Surah Kahf teach us?

Allah has sent the Quran as guidance to all mankind. However, Allah in His infinite knowledge, wisdom, and mercy chooses some over others. Just like He chose Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over all the other Prophets, He chooses some chapters over others.

Which Surah should we recite on Friday?

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has also told this activity to be beneficial. Hence, we must recite Surah Kahf on Friday to earn great blessings of Allah.

What are the benefits of Surah Kahf?

Reciting Surah Al Kahf on every Friday becomes a source of forgiveness of sins committed between two Fridays. Surah al Khaf is one of the renowned Surah of Holy Quran. It comes with a lot of virtues. This Surah gives the message that Allah protects those who are stick to righteousness and stay on the right path.

Which surah Allah will read on the day of Judgement?


What is the best time to read Surah Kahf on Friday?

What Are the Virtues for Reciting Surat Al-Kahf on Friday? Surat Al-Kahf may be read during the night or the day of Friday. The night of Friday starts from sunset on Thursday, and the day of Friday ends at sunset. Therefore, the time for reading Surat Al-Kahf extends from sunset on Thursday to sunset on Friday.

Is it sunnah to read Surah Kahf on Friday?

It’s sunnah to recite Surah Kahf on friday.