Common questions

How do you pronounce the p sound?

How do you pronounce the p sound?

How to pronounce the ‘p sound’ /p/ The ‘p sound’ /p/ is unvoiced (the vocal cords do not vibrate while producing it), and is the counterpart to the voiced ‘b sound’ /b/. To create the /p/, air is briefly prevented from leaving the vocal tract by closing the lips. The sound is aspirated when the air is released.

Why does gh say F?

So when you see a “gh,” it usually means that it was pronounced with the blech sound in Old English, when our writing system was first developed. Eventually, during the Middle English period, they settled on “gh.” By that time the pronunciation was already changing. The sound turned into /f/ or was dropped entirely.

What is the difference between PH and F?

The difference is purely etymological; some words have an ‘f’ while others have ‘ph’ for the same sound /f/ in the IPA. A new word will most likely have an ‘f’ to represent the sound unless it is made from an older word containing ‘ph’.

Where do we use PH and F?

The /f/ sound is usually spelled with the letter f, or ff if after a short vowel – this is covered in Unit 4. In some words, the /f/ sound is spelled using the digraph ph. These are often words from the ancient Greek language.

Is WR a blend or digraph?

Consonant digraphs include ch, ck, gh, kn, mb, ng, ph, sh, th, wh, and wr. Some of these create a new sound, as in ch, sh, and th. Some, however, are just different spellings for already familiar sounds.

What Digraphs should I teach first?

the most common consonant digraphs are: sh, ch, th, and wh. There are other consonant digraphs (ph); however, most teachers typically introduce these 4 digraphs first as they are the most common. They are often referred to as the “h brothers”.

Is BL a Digraph?

Consonant blends (also called consonant clusters) are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound, such as “bl” or “spl.” Consonant digraphs include: bl, br, ch, ck, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gh, gl, gr, ng, ph, pl, pr, qu, sc, sh, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, th, tr, tw, wh, wr.

How many digraphs are in Jolly Phonics?


What is the best order to teach letter sounds?

There is a widely-used teaching approach which teaches letter sounds first and letter names next. It is believed that letter sounds are more helpful and useful to pre-readers than letter names and therefore, should be taught first.