Common questions

How do you open the treasure chest in the Calm Lands?

How do you open the treasure chest in the Calm Lands?

Head back and talk to the man and the woman. Then go up the shiny path to the left and talk to the boy. After the scene, approach the shiny-looking place and the Cloudy Mirror will change into Celestial Mirror. With it, you can now open the chest.

How do I survive cross cleave FFX?

Use Fire gems with Rikku. You can steal them from the Bomb enemies in the area. With Protect/5x Cheer, his Cross Cleave attack is a joke. When someone gets attacked with Lance of Atrophy, just use a Holy Water on that char.

How do you beat Seymour inside sin?

Strategy. It is advisable to get equipment that absorbs a certain element to be able to focus on attacking Seymour. If not applicable, use Yuna’s Nul spell for the corresponding element Seymour has. Use Auron’s armor break to reduce Seymour’s defense and keep attacking him.

How do you fight Seymour flux?

To burst Seymour Flux down, it is recommended to have all of your aeons in full Overdrive so that they unload on the boss before he banishes them. Seymour Flux is also susceptible to being poisoned. Use Bio or Rikku’s Poison Fang. You can also mix Soul Spring and Fire Gem to both damage and poison the boss.

Does Esuna cure zombie FFX?

Final Fantasy X Zombie can be cured via Holy Water or Remedy, but it notably cannot be cured with the spell Esuna. Evrae Altana and Fallen Monk start the battle under permanent Zombie status. Zombie causes items and abilities that normally heal HP to deal damage instead.

How do you guard in FFX?

  1. Every character except Umaro can access the Defend command by pressing.
  2. Every character has a Defend command accessed by pressing.
  3. Zack can guard with.
  4. The player can defend with to mitigate damage by 40% (60% for Cloud in Punisher Mode) and avoid being knocked back by enemy attacks.

Can you block in ff7?

This can be done easily by holding down R1 at anytime in battle, which makes the respective character put up their form of a block. This not only reduces the amount of damage taken in battle, but also helps to charge the ATB gauge as well.