Common questions

How do you get to Thunderbluff from Orgrimmar?

How do you get to Thunderbluff from Orgrimmar?

Exit the zeppelin when it docks at the Spirit Rise in Thunder Bluff. Speak to the Doras, the Orgrimmar Flight Master, on the elevated pedestal above the Cleft of Shadow to travel to Thunder Bluff on the wind rider network. Click on the Thunder Bluff flight point on the pop-up map to board a wind rider to the city.

Where is Thunderbluff?

Thunder Bluff is the tauren capital city located in the northern part of the region of Mulgore on the continent of Kalimdor. The entire city is built on bluffs several hundred feet above the surrounding landscape, and is accessible by elevators on the southwestern and northeastern sides.

How do I get Thunder Bluff Rep fast?

The Thunder Bluff tabard should give you rep for each kill in any of the current dungeons. Or you can grind out lower level dungeons with it on but you’ll get only a fraction of the rep.

Is there a zeppelin to Thunder Bluff in classic wow?

0 you can take a zeppelin between the two cities. Thunder Bluff’s departs from the northwestern dock on Spirit Rise; Orgrimmar’s departs from the western dock of the western zeppelin tower atop the Orgrimmar Skyway.

Where is the portal trainer in Thunder Bluff?

This npc is located in a cave below The Spirit Rise section of Thunderbluff.

Where is the horde portal room?


What level should I go to zandalar?

Characters of level 108 or higher should be able to enter the Zandalar, but unless they are highly geared, they will likely have some trouble. Zandalar is separated into three zones. All zones are scaled to the player’s level.

Is there a portal to zandalar in Orgrimmar?

Horde Players Once you have started or completed the quest Zuldazar, you can return to Zandalar using the portal in the Portal Room in Orgrimmar or take the boat from the Echo Isles in Durotar.

How do I unlock portals in Orgrimmar?

If there are no portals in Orgrimmar or Stormwind make sure that your character has finished the Legion introductory questline. Once the quest chain is completed you should see the characters and portals reappearing in the portal room.

How do you unlock zandalar?

The requirements for unlocking the Zandalari Troll Allied Race are as follows:

  1. Tides of Vengeance Achievement: You will need to finish the War Campaign–both the 8.0 and 8.1 components.
  2. Zandalar Forever!: You must complete all major lore storylines in the Zuldazar zones, through The Final Seal.

How do you unlock Zandalari Prepatch?

Lastly, the Zandalari Trolls can be unlocked by earning the Tides of Vengeance achievement from the 8.1 War Campaign and the Zandalar Forever! achievement from the Zandalar major storylines. Players would then accompany Princess Talanji in her quest to become the queen of Zandalar in World of Warcraft.

How long does it take to unlock vulpera Shadowlands?

About 2 hours

How long does it take to unlock Mechagnomes?

You will have to do a short quest chain to unlock them. The primary slog will be reaching level 50. Once there, you can unlock Mechagnomes in a few hours. If you’ve got up to the point of being able to go to Mechagon Island about 20 days of 30ish minutes a day.

Is King Mechagon a junkyard or workshop?

Heroic Difficulty Operation: Mechagon is accessible by using Group Finder (I), where players will find this mechanically marvelous dungeon split into two parts—the Junkyard and the Workshop. You’ll need to have an item level of 345 to be able to queue.

How hard is it to unlock Mechagnomes?

The requirements for unlocking the Mechagnome Allied Race are as follows: The Mechagonian Threat Achievement: This achievement requires completion of the Mechagon storyline, which should take several hours and a dungeon run to complete. Reference the Comprehensive Mechagon Guide if you need assistance with any quest.

What class is best for Mechagnome?

Hunter could also be a good choice if you like mechanical pets. It seems like the only way to really use all of their racial abilities is as a Warrior with Blacksmithing or maybe Engineering, though a Hunter or Mage with Mining and Jewelcrafting could also be good.

What class is best for dark iron dwarf?

Dark Iron Dwarves can choose the following classes:

  • Mage: Ranged Cloth DPS.
  • Monk: Tank, Healer, or Melee Leather DPS.
  • Paladin: Tank, Healer, or Melee Plate DPS.
  • Priest: Healer or Ranged Cloth DPS.
  • Rogue: Melee Leather DPS.
  • Shaman: Healer, Melee or Ranged Mail DPS.
  • Warlock: Ranged Cloth DPS.
  • Warrior: Tank or Melee Plate DPS.

Are vulpera good rogues?

Lore-wise, most vulpera are probably along the lines of rogues or hunters, possibly ‘light’ warriors in that they dont tend to wear much heavy plate gear or anything like that, not sure if you can manage that with transmogs, but you could always use their heritage armor on an arms warrior with a polearm and it’d look …

What is the best class for a void elf?

Warlock is most definitely one of the better classes for void elves. Monk is the most used class for void elves. This is simply because they can be versatile. Their abilities allow them to act as Tank, as they can heal and melee damage.

What class is best for Nightborne?

Nightborne: Mage, because nearly every notable Nightborne NPC is a Mage if some sort. Highmountain Tauren: Warrior, Hunter, or Shaman, depending on your tribe. Mag’har Orc: Same as regular Orcs, but add Priests if your Shadowmoon.

How long does it take to unlock void elf?

You’ll probably get Lightforged Draenei first and then within a day or two unlock Void Elves. Just do every available World Quest every day on Argus. I was 120 at the time which makes it easier. This is a boosted character, and my /played even after unlocking Void elves is at 1 day, 5 hours, 57 minutes.