Common questions

How do you get seaweed Stardew?

How do you get seaweed Stardew?

Seaweed can be found by fishing in the ocean during any season or in the tidal pools on The Beach. These pools can only be reached once you fix the broken bridge on The Beach with 300 pieces of wood. Green Algae can be found by fishing from any fishing spot, except for the pond on the Standard Farm, during any season.

Can you buy seaweed Stardew?

Seaweed is an item that can be caught using a Fishing Rod in the ocean during all seasons, including a 41% chance to catch Seaweed while fishing in the deep-sea submarine ride at the Night Market. It is never caught in Crab Pots….

Sell Price: 20g 25g 30g 40g

What is the best fish to put in a fish pond Stardew Valley?


How do I get better at fishing?

Here are 9 tips to help you become a better fisherman.

  1. Fish at the right times.
  2. Become a student of fishing.
  3. Fish where others aren’t willing to fish.
  4. Reel your catch in slowly.
  5. Practice, practice, practice.
  6. Think ahead.
  7. Use colorful fly lines.
  8. Keep a journal.

Is there a trick to fishing in Stardew Valley?

The simplest but most effective advice is to tap gently when trying to align the green bar with the fish. Vigorous tapping or continuous pressing on the screen will send the bar flying up and down, allowing your catch to escape. Like every other skill — in-game or in real life — practice makes perfect.

Which is better Coopmaster or shepherd?

They’re both good. With shepherd the gameplay doesn’t change, you keep doing what you were doing and it becomes more profitable. With coopmaster, you introduce a new income source which implies going over to Marnie to sell your new ducks once in a while. Better choice: both are good.

Which is better excavator or gemologist?

Excavator doubles your chance to find geodes and gemologist makes gems worth 30% more. Objectively excavator is the best one to take.

Should I be a rancher or tiller?

If you want to raise animals, pick rancher. If you want to grow crops, pick tiller. That is way better than the 20% bonus from Rancher. Almost all end animal products are finished goods, so if you want to raise animals you actually should take Tiller to maximize your late game profit.

What profession should I choose Stardew Valley?

Better Choice: By and large the biggest boost to profit in Stardew Valley is to be gained from taking Tiller with the Artisan Profession. This is due to the fact that animal products AND garden produce are boosted when turned into artisan goods and you have ample choices for making them.

What are artisan goods Stardew Valley?

Artisan Goods are items that can be created on your farm by various Artisan Equipment. They can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days (in-game time) to be processed. Most Artisan Goods do not have a star quality, so the star quality of the ingredients used is ignored.

How do you level up Stardew farming?

To level up farming skill requires experience points, which are gained by harvesting crops, petting farm animals, milking cows or goats, shearing sheep, and picking up animal products inside a coop. Animal products worth 20% more. Crops worth 10% more. Befriend coop animals quicker.

What is the fastest way to progress in Stardew Valley?

  1. Invest in crops as soon as possible.
  2. Learn which are the most valuable crops per season.
  3. It’s hip to be square.
  4. Don’t worry about animals too soon.
  5. Prioritise wood.
  6. Unlock the beach bridge first.
  7. Mine the mines for all they’ve got.
  8. Fish until you flop.

What is the best farm on Stardew Valley?

In the top left, you will find your Forest Farm. In the top right, your standard farm. This is also where you will find your home by the way. In the bottom left is the “Riverland Farm” even though it only has a lake and not a river.

What’s better artisan or agriculturist?

Artisan vs agriculturist Artisan – artisan goods are worth 40% more. Agriculturist – crops grow 10% faster.

How long is a Stardew season?


Is it better to be a miner or geologist Stardew Valley?

The miner profession is a great pick for the early game as you do need a lot of resources for crafting and for new buildings. One more ore from all ore veins that you break adds up to a lot of ores. Spoiler: you’re going to break ton of ore veins! I would say the geologist path is the better choice for the end game.

How do you get to level 100 in the skull cavern?

Stardew Valley: 15 Tips for Getting to Level 100 Of Skull Cavern

  1. 15 Bring Lots of Stone.
  2. 14 Equip Rings.
  3. 13 Go On A Lucky Day.
  4. 12 Get The Special Charm.
  5. 11 Skip Large Floors.
  6. 10 Upgrade Your Pickaxe.
  7. 9 Organize Your Inventory.
  8. 8 Make Bombs.

How do I raise my Stardew Valley skill?

Skills can be viewed in the player skill tab in the game pause menu. Levels are gained by harvesting crops and caring for animals. Each level grants +1 hoe and watering can proficiency (see tools). Mining skill is increased by breaking rocks (normally done with a Pickaxe).

Is brute or defender better?

The choice between Brute or Defender is a pretty simple one. Brute increases your damage by 15% and Defender increases your HP by 25. We highly suggest taking Brute as you can always use consumables to heal or simply practice dodging attacks from your enemies.

Is the auto grabber worth it?

Yes. Absolutely. Autograbbers are SO worth it. Eventually you’ll have more animals and chasing them all down every day can become a chore.

How do you get auto-grabber?

25,000g after obtaining Farming Level 10. Once unlocked, players may purchase as many Auto-Grabbers as they can afford. An Auto-Grabber may occasionally be found in treasure rooms in the Skull Cavern. Each morning, the Auto-Grabber will automatically harvest all products in the Barn or Coop where it is placed.

Does the auto-grabber work on truffles?

Don’t think so, its the same with Chickens, Rabbits and Ducks. For pigs its best to just let them go out then look for all of the truffles at the end of the day. TLDR – Auto-grabber sadly only works for Sheep, Cows and Goats.

How do you get auto Petter Stardew?

It can also be found in Skull Cavern treasure chests. Additionally, it can be obtained by killing monsters and as a special item in The Mines during Danger In The Deep quest or after activating the Shrine of Challenge. Auto-Petters can be placed anywhere, but will not do anything unless placed inside a barn or coop.

How do you get Junimo Hut?

Players can purchase a Junimo Hut from the Wizard after completing the Goblin Problem Quest. Once placed, Junimos will live in the hut on the player’s farm. They’ll automatically harvest any ripe crops within range of the hut and store them inside, where they can be gathered by the player at any time.