How do I fix my Hadvar glitch?

How do I fix my Hadvar glitch?

If fast traveling doesn’t work (like in my case), just go to whiterun, save the game, exit all the way to the XMB (if PS3) and then go back to the game. He’ll be there but he will sheathe his sword and walk away for good. I can say for anyone that runs into this problem for PC, it also works.

Why is Hadvar following me around?

Hadvar is a guard. You have a bounty somewhere – if you can’t find out where, steal something small in sight of a guard, pay the bounty, and Hadvar will leave you alone.

Should I go with Ralof or Hadvar?

Going with Hadvar allows you to freely take the ingots and some of the armor from outside his uncle Alvor’s house (they can always be stolen once night comes though if going with Ralof). Going with Ralof (in my opinion) provides more/better selling loot once in Riverwood.

What is alduin saying in helgen?

When Alduin attacks Helgen, he calls you “Dovakiin”. It means he knows who you are, perhaps even his brother, according to the lore. He saved you so you could fulfill your destiny. Read all the books you can find and you’ll learn that Alduin is possibly much more than depicted in what the characters alive tell you.

Can I marry Hadvar?

It is not possible to marry Hadvar. You can check this guide on marriable characters to find someone else you’re able to marry if you wish.

Do you ever see Hadvar again?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim They both head towards the Helgen keep but if you go with Ralof, you never see Hadvar again but if you go with Hadvar you never see Ralof again.

Can I marry Ralof?

No, you can’t. i heard you could marry him after the civil war, is that true? Nah, both Ralof and Hadvar are completely unmarriageable. Select either Ralof or Hadvar in the console, or really any other NPC that you want to marry.

What happens to Ralof if you go with Hadvar?

If you chose Ralof and the Stormclocks for the civil war, he will fight with you, and the same for Hadvar vice versa. If you chose Ralof to follow, Hadvar is then unavailble to be seen in the rest of the game, since even if you enter both sides of the Keep, only Ralof’s route has one different room.

Can Hadvar die?

there is no permanent aggro in this game. You can’t kill him because he reappears in the Civil War quest line later.

Can I keep the jagged crown for myself?

Keeping the crown The Jagged Crown could be kept by reverse-pickpocketing it to either Hadvar or Ralof after the crown is collected but before the quest is completed. Although the chance of success will show as zero percent, it is still possible to pickpocket successfully. However, this may require several attempts.

Can I kill Ulfric?

If Ulfric is paralyzed when his health is depleted, he will remain on the ground and General Tullius won’t kill him. You can still kill Ulfric yourself, allowing the quest to continue.

Can you wear the crown of Barenziah?

It is impossible to equip the crown. The crown has twenty-five gems, but only twenty-four can be collected, as there is one gem that remained on the crown. In all three of Barenziah’s appearances within the series, she is never seen wearing the crown.