Common questions

Does the secret chest in whiterun refill?

Does the secret chest in whiterun refill?

Vendor chests, like the one in Whiterun (or the invisible chests outside of Dawnstar, Markarth, and Solitude) take a long time to reset. The Dawnstar chest refills like every 48 hours, tee hee!

Why does Skyrim crash so much?

If you play the Special Edition version of Skyrim, the most common reason your game is crashing is likely the fact Bethesda recently updated it. The best thing you can do is disable all of your mods when a new version comes out or, if you’re on PC, roll back your game version until the mods get updated.

Is it normal for Skyrim to crash?

After 5 hours straight, yes, the chances of a CTD are high, and it’s completely normal. Nothing to worry about!

Why does Skyrim crash on startup?

A game might get crashing when its files are missing or corrupted. If you are using Steam client to play and manage your games, verifying the integrity of the game files should be a good solution for you. Step 1: Open your Steam and click LIBRARY tab. Step 2: Right-click your Skyrim and choose Properties.

How do I find out why Skyrim is crashing?

  1. Enable Error and Crash Logging in Skyrim. The first step in identifying the cause of any crash is to enable logging so that Skyrim will tell you exactly what happened before the game crashed.
  2. Use BOSS to Manage Your Mods.
  3. Read the Skyrim Papyrus or Crash Log.
  4. Use Windows Grep to Confirm Cause.
  5. 10 Best Modern RPGs.

Where are Skyrim crash logs?

Go to My Documents/My Games/Skyrim and open up Skyrim. ini . If the section [Papyrus] already exists, then you might add it without the section identifier. Next time you start the game you should see a new folder called “logs” inside that folder.

Why does Skyrim keep freezing PC?

Freezing is usually related to running out of VRAM, while crashes are more about load order. Use an optimizer to get your textures down to a size your video card can handle and make sure your INI files aren’t attempting to load too many grids for your system (7 or more can cause freezing).

Why does Skyrim crash after Bethesda logo?

Verify integrity of game cache through Steam. Verify your GPU settings are The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim default values. Update your graphics driver. Install Crash Fixes and the SKSE plugin preloader linked to on the CF description page and edit according to instructions there.

Why is Skyrim not launching?

Corrupt installation files: Any game’s installation files get corrupt when an update is not installed properly or when manipulating the mods. A quick refresh of the files solves the issue. Mods conflicting: Mods enhance the gameplay of the users but if they conflict, Skyrim will not launch at all.

Why does ESO keep freezing?

Have you made any attempt to fix things? Some possible causes: faulty ‘usersettings’ file, misbehaving addon, bad driver (video etc), game files needing repair. Uninstall and reinstall your gfx card drivers. …

How do you fix infinite loading screen in Skyrim?

Follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall Skyrim.
  2. Delete the [Username]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder.
  3. Delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam apps\common\Skyrim folder.
  4. Reboot the computer.
  5. Reinstall Skyrim.
  6. Relaunch the game and see if the problem is resolved.

Why is SKSE64 not running?

Reason for Which SKSE64 Not Working Error Occurs: One of the primary reasons for this error to occur is the Firewalls present in Windows. These prevent some of the gaming elements from connecting with the server. Due to this reason, the game is unable to launch properly.

Is SKSE64 up to date?

As of 8 Aug 2020 skse64 is up to date. ATTENTION RE Game Pass version of SSE: From what I have been reading, it will not be possible to use skse64 with the Game Pass version of the game.

Does Xbox one have SkyUI?

You can download SkyUI for Skyrim Special Edition by going here. Skyrim Special Edition is now out on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Is SkyUI on special edition?

Nexus Mods user schlangster—who uploaded SkyUI to the site’s Skyrim Special Edition page—offers the following breakdown: SkyUI requires SKSE64, which is currently still in alpha, so SkyUI simply inherits that state.It is a feature-complete release.

Where is MCM Skyrim?

MCM is a part of the SkyUI mod. You can access it ingame by pausing and selecting the Mod config option in the menu.