Common questions

Does PacSun deliver to Canada?

Does PacSun deliver to Canada?

Yes, PacSun does offer international shipping. You can find additional information about PacSun’s international shipping policies on their customer service page here. You can also visit their homepage to see if PacSun has posted additional information on their international shipping policies.

Can you cancel a PacSun order?

Can I change my order or cancel it? Unfortunately, once you have placed your order it cannot be changed or cancelled. This is because our team picks and packs your order right away, and wraps all the orders together on pallets which are sealed for shipment regardless of when they actually ship.

How do I get a refund from PacSun?

Go to, fill in the information, and follow the instructions. Please note for returns made after 30 days, the refund will be issued to an e-gift card, redeemable online and in-store.

Did PacSun go out of business?

The company went bankrupt in April 2016 and is now owned by Golden Gate Capital. This was the company’s third time filing bankruptcy.

Does PacSun sell fake stuff?

Has PacSun been known to sell fake products? Yes, PacSun does offer authentic products.

Is PacSun the same as Brandy Melville?

Both are the same and expensive for what it is. The prices at Pac Sun are usually the same as the prices at the Brandy Melville stores unless it is on sale which rarely happens.

Does PacSun own Brandy Melville?

Yes. they are the same products produced by the same company, with different labels. This is called private labeling. A lot of brands will do this for retailers to gain sales, but they don’t want to water down their own brands’ position.

What size do you have to be to wear Brandy Melville?

Brandy only caters to one type of body that would have to be between a size 0-2 and have about a 24-inch waist.

Is Brandy Melville a real person?

Brandy Melville is a European clothing and fashion accessories brand, marketing their products to young women. The brand name and logo was inspired by the fictional tale of two people – Brandy, an American girl, and Melville, an English man who met in Rome and fell in love.

What age group is Brandy Melville for?

The DTC apparel brand, which launched this week, is doing all the right things, in terms of answering the supposed demands of its target demo: girls ages 13-21. It’s community-focused, size-inclusive, comparatively affordable (with styles priced $35-$100; Brandy Melville jeans are $40), eco-conscious and charitable.

What size do Brandy Melville skirts fit?

The vast majority of the skirts available on the Brandy website list 12″ to 14″ as the waist measurement (capable of stretching to approximately 25″). Compare that to Urban Outfitters’ size chart, and you’ll see a garment that size would be labeled size 0.

What size do Brandy Melville tops fit?

Brandy Melville is known as a one size fits all store, but this is not the case. The clothing brand has never claimed that one size fits all, they actually claim that most of their shirts fit a size x-small or small.

Can you be 13 and have a job?

In most states, the legal age to begin working is 14, but a 13-year-old can still perform many part-time jobs, from taking care of younger kids to tending gardens. While there is no limit to how much a 13-year-old can earn, many states set a restriction on the number of continuous hours a child this age can work.

How much do u get paid at Brandy Melville?

Average Brandy Melville Sales Associate hourly pay in the United States is approximately $12.18, which is 10% above the national average.

How much do Brandy Melville models get paid?

Brandy Melville Salaries

Job Title Salary
In Store Model salaries – 4 salaries reported $14/hr
Manager salaries – 3 salaries reported $13/hr
Sales salaries – 3 salaries reported $13/hr
Cashier salaries – 3 salaries reported $11/hr