Common questions

Does Osut have two graduations?

Does Osut have two graduations?

Graduation from OSUT is different than BCT. There are two ceremonies for Infantrymen. Most families and friends of graduating Soldiers who are attending, book local hotels in the area for a couple of days so they can attend both ceremonies. Both ceremonies are AMAZING!

What does Osut stand for?

One Station Unit Training

Do you get leave after Osut?

In the end, it entirely depends on your commander’s decision. The issue you are going to have in your first few months of being on active duty is that you will have only a few days of accrued leave at most by the time you finish OSUT training. Recall that for every month you serve, you accrue 2.5 days of leave time.

What happens after Osut?

After OSUT you will get sent to your first duty station. A bus will take you to the airport and then you will fly to an airport close to your duty station. You will then spend a week in processing at your new duty station then you will head to your unit.

Why isn’t my soldier getting my letters?

It’s a simple logistical issue of having mass quantities of letters arrive in the same distribution room. There is no “delivery” process from the mail carrier to the individual soldiers–that’s the job of the Drill Sergeants. And they have so many other tasks that sometimes mail call gets left behind.

Can you send pictures to someone in basic training?

Letters – You can and should send him lots of letters while he is in training. Pictures – They are allowed to have pictures with them at training. However, do keep in mind that they have limited space.

How often should I write my boyfriend in basic training?

From a recent basic training graduate, please right as much as you can. Pictures, newspaper clippings, deep love letters, even short funny ones, and any other mementos go a long way. Write every day!

What do you say to your boyfriend in basic training?

What to Write to Someone in Basic Training

  • Just say hi. No need to overthink this one.
  • Share some encouragement. Basic training is designed to completely break down recruits and build them back up into a warrior.
  • Tell him/her that you’re proud of them. This can go a long way.
  • Sports scores, local news, family activities.
  • “Can’t wait for you to graduate!”

How often can you talk to in basic training?

Army recruits are allowed to call every 3 weeks when they phase up, and then every weekend once they complete Basic and begin AIT.

Which branch has the easiest basic training?

the Air Force

How long is Army Ranger School?

61 days

Is rasp harder than Ranger school?

RASP is much more brutal and will test your mind and body way more than Ranger school. A common phrase in the Regiment is Ranger school is a vacation for for guys from battalion, meaning even after passing RASP everyday life in the Ranger battalion is much harder and physically demanding than Ranger school.

Is it harder to be a Ranger or Green Beret?

While the Green Berets have what many would call a harder selection, there’s no denying that the Army Rangers selection is no cake-walk either. In fact, many Army Rangers are plucked from the unit to serve in the Green Berets themselves.

Can Army Rangers become Green Berets?

Of course, the active duty route is the most recognized way to become Army Special Forces, Army Ranger Regiment, Navy SEAL, Air Force PJ, MarSOC – the ground force members of the Special Operations Command. And they earn the actual Green Beret – this is not a reserve course.

Which is harder Green Beret or Navy SEAL?

Training for special operations is more demanding than its requirements. While Army Green Beret training is extraordinarily demanding, the overall consensus is that Navy SEAL training is the most challenging of any elite ops group in the U.S. Armed Forces.