Common questions

Does Comcast have all 50 states?

Does Comcast have all 50 states?

XFINITY from Comcast offers internet service across 39 states with the greatest coverage in California, Florida, and Illinois. Cable internet from XFINITY from Comcast is available to an estimated 112.4 million people, making it the largest residential cable provider in the U.S. by coverage area.

What happened to MoviePlex on Xfinity?

As part of our new agreement with Starz, we removed MoviePlex from our Xfinity TV channel lineup as of October 27. Why did you drop MoviePlex? As part of our new agreement with Starz, we removed MoviePlex from our Xfinity TV channel lineup.

Is Comcast the same as infinity?

Comcast and Xfinity: the same but different. As you can see, Xfinity and Comcast are different brands of the same company. Xfinity is the TV and internet service provider for consumers, while Comcast is the company that owns Xfinity (and other brands, like NBCUniversal).

Which is better AT or Comcast?

In general, Xfinity has the fastest max advertised speeds. Their Gigabit Pro plan has download speeds up to 2,000 Mbps, while AT’s fastest plan has download speeds up to 1,000 Mbps. However, you are likely to experience faster upload speeds with AT Fiber over Xfinity internet.

How can I get out of my Comcast contract?

Comcast/Xfinity impose a fee to cancel your subscription before the contract ends. The fee is $10/month for the remaining months of the contract. For instance, if you cancel your subscription with 9 months remaining, Comcast will charge you $90 early termination fee.

How long will Comcast let you go without paying your bill?

If you don’t pay your Xfinity bill on time, the company charges a $10 fee. There is a grace period of up to two weeks before you’ll see any interruption of service, but the late fee goes into effect immediately. If you’re in a pinch, it’s worth calling in to see if you can get an extended grace period.

What is Comcast one time charge?

One-time charges include entertainment extras such as pay per view, or XFINITY On Demand rentals and purchases. We also consolidated things a bit, like taxes and fees, which are now shared in one section. Additionally, monthly notifications with timely and helpful information are now displayed upfront and in one place.

How much does it cost to have Comcast installed?

Does Xfinity charge for installation?

Installation type Cost
Xfinity pro installation $89.99 one-time fee

How much is Comcast deposit?

Paying manually – $100 deposit.

How much are taxes and fees on Comcast Internet?

The base internet service they are charging is $64.95. Extreme 150 is an additional $25.00. The TV & Voice related fees include the following: Broadcast TV Fee: $7.00.

Will Comcast waive installation fee?

Comcast also hits customers with an installation fee even when their residence is already equipped for the company’s service. Comcast provided a long statement explaining when it will waive the installation fee: For internet-only customers, we offer two options that do not require an in-home tech visit.

How much is Xfinity Internet per month?

Xfinity Internet Plans and Prices

Plan Price Download / Upload Speeds
Performance Select $44.99/mo.* 100 Mbps
Performance Pro $59.99/mo.* 200 Mbps
Blast! Pro $60/mo.* 400 Mbps
Extreme Pro $90/mo.* ($70 for 24 months) 600 Mbps