Common questions

Do you need to cut chinchillas nails?

Do you need to cut chinchillas nails?

You do not need to, and should not, clip your chinchilla’s nails. Usually chins keep their nails short on their own. Providing wooden surfaces in the cage will also help to wear the nails down.

Do chinchillas have claws?

They are usually quite sociable and easily tamed. It is very rare for a chinchilla to bite, and their feet have nails on them that look like tiny human fingernails, not claws, so they don’t scratch, even accidentally. Inside the cage the chinchilla needs an exercise wheel.

Why does my chinchilla bite my nails?

My chin tries to bite my nails all the time. I think because they’re harder than flesh (hahah but true) They can chew it… thus, they want to chew it. This is the fundamental philosophy of the chinchilla.

Do chinchillas like to be petted?

Are Chinchillas Affectionate? Chinchillas are affectionate pets if they trust you. They can enjoy being petted and stroked.

How do you play with your chinchilla?

Chinchilla- and parrot-specific chew toys are appropriate for chinchilla playtime. So are the cardboard cores of paper towel rolls, and empty tissue boxes. If you don’t have a set of stairs in your home, regular step ladders and short ladders purchased from a hardware store are useful climbing toys for chins.

Do chinchillas like to be played with?

Like most pets, chinchillas love to play and be played with. Playing is beneficial for their health and lets them express themselves in their own unique way. However, chinchillas like to do their own thing, so don’t feel down if your interactions with them while playing are rather limited.

Can you keep a single chinchilla?

In general, it’s not wise to keep a single chinchilla, and it’s highly advised to keep at least a pair of chinchillas. There are some cases where a chinchilla is kept as a solitary pet. It is possible to keep a chinchilla alone, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll need to give them a lot of attention.

Do chinchillas like watching TV?

Yes, chinchillas like to watch TV. Some owners say their chins have favorite TV shows or movies, or that they will get scared and cower if they watch something too scary (though my chins seemed to really enjoy 300 and Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla).